Educational Opportunity Program
The Educational Opportunity Program helps students who have the potential to succeed in college, but who have not achieved their higher education goals because of economic and/or educational background.
"Through EOP I have gained the confidence to realize my own potential, open my own opportunities and take charge of my education and life. EOP has given me the opportunity to explore new venues in life, gain new skills that I never thought I would have, and thanks to this program's dedication and support I feel prepared for anything life has to offer."— -Victoria Sanchez, EOP student
What is EOP?
California State University Monterey Bay's Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is designed to improve the access and retention of low-income and first-generation college students.
EOP applicants must be motivated to succeed and have the potential to perform satisfactorily at CSU, Monterey Bay, but may not have been previously able to realize their potential because of their economic or educational background. California residents and students who qualify for an AB540 nonresident tuition exemption are eligible to apply for EOP.
For more information download EOP's digital flipbook.
How does EOP help you achieve success?
- ACCESS opportunities for historically underserved students (low income, first-generation) by making higher education a possibility for prospective students with the potential for academic excellence.
- ADVOCACY and education to address the needs of EOP students.
- TRANSITIONAL EXPERIENCE that will empower students to better manage and navigate the college experience.
- SUPPORT SERVICES to facilitate student success.
- EOP GRANTS to eligible students who should also receive the highest priority for financial aid resources available from the institution.
EOP Application Questions?
Connect with our Admissions & Retention Advisor for personalized assistance. Click on this link to schedule a time to meet and discuss any questions you may have about your current or future application.
EOP Informational Sessions
Applying to CSUMB for Fall 2025?
EOP at CSUMB is hosting virtual information sessions! Join us to learn more about the Educational Opportunity Program, the benefits of being an EOP student, and get step-by-step guidance on the application process.
Dates and Times:
- October 8 & 23, 2024 | 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
- November 4 & 21, 2024 | 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- December 2 & 11, 2024 | 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Group Presentation Request
Our staff is available to present via Zoom. Presentations take between 30-45 minutes. Requests must be received 2 weeks in advance to be considered. After your request is received, we will send you an email confirmation. We will try our best to accommodate your preferred date and time. If you have specific questions regarding EOP presentations, please email us at

First Year Experience
EOP provides intensive services in the first year for entering freshmen. Students gain the skills and support networks necessary to ensure their success. A team comprised of faculty, advisors, students, and other campus representatives are involved in all facets of the program.
Transfer Students
EOP assists transfer students in adjusting to increased academic expectations, balancing their life commitments with their academic workload, and adjusting to a new area if they are relocating to attend the university.
Ongoing Support
Support services for continuing students include one on one professional advising and peer mentoring, academic workshops and cultural activities, and referral to resources throughout the campus.
Financial Support
Eligible students can receive an EOP financial grant, plus assistance applying for scholarships.
EOP History Timeline
The Educational Opportunity Program at California State University Monterey Bay offers grants, educational assistance and deliberate programming for students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who display potential for success in the CSU curricula. In April 1969, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 1072 (the Harmer Bill) which established EOP at California state institutions of higher learning. Fifty years later, the EOP program is going strong, with access provided to first generation, low income, historically underserved students.
The Assistant Director of Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at San Jose State assists in setting up the first EOP program at CSUMB. There were no services or programming available to serve the historically underserved students (low income and first-generation) at CSUMB, nor were there special admits.
There was movement toward creating a more defined program and the position of Director of Student Support Services was created who was charged with implementing services such as, creating a Summer Bridge program, and who also oversaw the expansion of Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC), the Child Center, Student Conduct, and the Health Center.
The first EOP advisor at CSUMB was hired. Later that year, EOP, TRiO SSS, CAMP, HEP, and Migrant Student Support Services were shifted to Academic Affairs.
A second EOP advisor was hired with some additional peer mentors and tutors. EOP grew through a Title V grant. The programs were then shifted and placed under Student Affairs.
The Summer Bridge program was redesigned from a six week long program to a shorter, more intense four to six day program focused on community building, campus resource familiarization, and academic skill preparation. More programming was then held throughout the academic year for EOP students with the two EOP advisors and additional peer mentors.
The first orientation for incoming EOP transfer students were held. It was a mandatory two hour event held prior to the start of the semester. This continued for every semester that transfer students were admitted, including spring semesters.
A welcome back event for second year EOP students was incorporated into the program and has evolved and remains a part of EOP today. A resource guide was created specifically for transfer students and distributed to them at the transfer orientation.
A foster Youth support program started under EOP. The CSUMB President's Advisory Council formed. This senior EOP advisor coordinated the program for former foster youth, including programming, and mentoring. CSUMB Foster Youth Day started. For the first time local tri-county area foster youth visited the campus for innovative activity based information about preparing and succeeding in college. This included the "A to G Olympics". CSUMB Foster Youth Day ran annually from 2010 to 2014.
EOP Summer Bridge target numbers expanded to 110 students. The orientation was expanded to three hours and the resource guide was expanded to four pages.
The foster youth support program was named the Compass program. A very small budget was approved. A compass peer mentor was hired to support students. Compass collaborated with campus Wellness Services who ran a faculty/staff mentor program for students with a foster youth background. A small scholarship for former foster youth students was created from the "Have a Heart" fundraising by the Financial Aid Office. A Compass club was created for former foster youth students and allies.
Summer Bridge target was expanded to 125 students and the event was extended another day and a half. The transfer orientation was reorganized and expanded to full day program with speakers from across key departments. It was renamed the EOP Transfer Bridge from this point forward.
The target number for Summer Bridge grew to 150.
Summer Bridge students enjoying team building.
Advisor was hired in EOP specifically for former foster youth students. A grant was obtained for some additional programming and the program was renamed Guardian Scholars.Former Foster youth advocating and appreciation their support with blue ribbons.
There was a shift in EOP back toward a longer Summer Bridge format of six weeks with two academic credit bearing course components. Summer Bridge was EOP only, and 40 students who needed remediation attend for all six weeks and lived on campus, and they were then joined by a cohort of 100 students for the last two weeks.2017
EOP Summer Bridge went back to one cohort of 40 students who attended a four week session which included one academic credit bearing course component. An EOP student club was created for the first time at CSUMB. We have graduated over 1,200 students since EOP's inception.
EOP Summer Bridge students spelling out EOP.
EOP held its first-ever Virtual Summer Bridge and Transfer Bridge due to the Coronavirus Disease-2019 pandemic. A total of 110 students participated in the virtual bridge experience.
Contact Educational Opportunity Program
Phone: 831-582-3841
Email: Send an email
Building: 5283 Sixth Avenue, Bldg 47, Seaside, CA 93955
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.