
Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) planning and training is considered essential for preparing future scientists and engineers because it is critical for public trust and excellence in science and engineering. RECR training helps researchers develop a culture of integrity, understand ethical issues, and make responsible choices when faced with ethical dilemmas. It also helps researchers learn about institutional policies and best research practices.

Planning Templates for Proposal Submission

Certification of RECR Student Training Completed

Required Training in RECR

RCR training options (choose 1)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • Office of Research Integrity's new YouTube Channel has a variety of research integrity video resources all in one place. Visit ORI’s new channel and subscribe to receive updates about new content!

DHHS ORI YouTube Channel screenshot


Many funding agencies require researchers to provide ongoing training and certification in ethical and responsible research conduct for their student assistants.

Common agency policies are below, along with tools for CSUMB researchers to provide to students who need CITI training and certification.