Brand and Visual Identity
Logo Guidelines
Classic Otter Spirit Mark
Mark in Monterey Bay Blue

Mark in Reversed Color

Mark in Greyscale

Clear Space and Minimum Size Reproduction

In order to set the classic otter spirit mark apart from surrounding elements, leave a space clear of visually competing elements equal to the approximate height of the otter eye all around the otter mark. The exception to this is the watermark version where elements may tastefully run over the mark. When reproducing the mark, follow the minimum width of .75".
Acceptable and Unacceptable Use

The Classic Otter Spirit Mark can be placed next to social club names, and nouns like "Business" or "Science" or "Health." Additionally, the mark can be used as a stand-alone graphic with appropriate clear area from the official logo. Organization name is not to exceed three lines.

The mark may be used by non-academic centers or institutes as well as with the unit or program name for on-campus applications. Organization name is not to exceed three lines.

The mark may be used with words or phrases as long as they do not specifically advocate for a political party, policy, religion or race/ethnicity—unless part of an official student club name. Organization name is not to exceed three lines. Single-word orgainizations cap style should be all CAPS; multi-word organizations are C/lc (title case).

The mark cannot be altered, changed or overlapped with other content but may appear next to work or other symbols. A body or arms may not be drawn on to extend the design.

The mark may not be used adjacent to or in place of any official university division, department, unit, center or institute name and may not be placed next to "CSUMB" or any other version of the university name.

Never use the mark in close proximity to the institutional logo.