Brand and Visual Identity
Logo Guidelines
Cal State Monterey Bay Logos
Primary Logo
Full Color

Reversed Color


Stacked Logo
Full Color

Reversed Color


Full Color

Reversed Color


Full Color

Reversed Color


Standard logos are available in Photoshelter, if you do not have access yet, you can request access through the University Communications Wrike form.
Level One Logos for Colleges and Administrative Divisions and Departments
Primary Logo

Alternative Logo

Level one logos are available in PhotoShelter.
Level Two Logos for Academic Departments and Administrative Services
Primary Logo

Alternative Logo

Level two logos are available in PhotoShelter.
To learn more, view the full list of the Level One and Level Two sub-branded logos.
Level Three Logos for Academic Centers and Institutes, and Student Serving Programs

Level three logos are created using the Canva template by the department designated Canva user and submitted for approval to University Communications using the Canva workflow. In order to present both a consistent university brand while allowing flexibility and individual expression, use a related icon/visual of consistent line weight and style, presented in a bay blue circle and ocean blue stroke along with the CSUMB wave element, wordmark and as shown typographic treatement for level-three sub-brand marks.
Accademic Centers and Insititutes, and student serving programs may either choose an icon from the Font Awesome icon collection that is not already assigned to another program or they may choose to have no icon. If selecting no icon, then the wave mark and vertical rule are also removed from the design. View list of non-available icons.
Level Four Logos for Campus Affiliate Non-Profits and Programs, Projects, and Grants Contractually Obligated to use Trademarked Logos
Level four logos are made by request to University Communications using the project request form. Copies of contracts and other documentation is required prior to the use of a Trademarked Logo not owned by Cal State Monterey Bay.
Degree Granting College and Academic Program LockUp

These marks may only be comprised of the degree granting college Level one mark paired with the official name of the degree as it is listed in the Catalogue.
All other Programs, Projects, and Sub-units.
All other programs, projects, and sub-units on campus who do not meet the qualifications above for sub-branded logos, may use typeset text appropriately spaced from the logo observing at least the required minimum clear space. Suggested arrangements are provided below but are conceptual examples only. The requirements of typeset text identifiers are that they use the university fonts and colors, and they may not be juxtaposed to a graphic as to create a logo. (ie. They must be created of only text.)

Clear Space and Minimum Size Reproduction

In order to set the primary logo apart from other surrounding elements, leave a space clear of visually competing elements equal to the width of the "M" around the left and right, and the height of the "M" top and bottom as shown above. When reproducing the logo, follow the minimum width of 1.5".
Unacceptable Logo Modifications
Logo distortion

Logo colorization

Logo shadowing

Logo rotation

Logo rearrangement

Attempts to recreate the logo

Logo in shape and illegible color combination

Logo watermarking

Logo over distracting background