
Commencement and Convocation Ceremonies live streams

Commencement Ceremony

This event is the culmination of our graduate's academic career at CSUMB and features the conferral of degrees to the graduates by President Vanya Quiñones and our commencement keynote address.

Commencement Ceremony 2023
Rodeo Arena | 11:30 a.m.

College Convocations

Convocations are divided by colleges and include the reading of graduate names and the opportunity to walk across the stage and have a photo taken with the Dean of the college. The event also includes other speeches and performances as organized by the respective college. These three events occur at two times of the day and in two venues in the Salinas Sports Complex. Graduates are encouraged to plan ahead to attend both the Commencement and their college Convocation event to celebrate their accomplishment of earning a CSUMB degree.

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Convocation 2023
Rabobank Stadium | 9 a.m.

College of Business Convocation and College of Health Sciences and Human Services Convocation 2023 
Rabobank Stadium | 2 p.m.
College of Education Convocation and College of Science Convocation 2023
Rodeo Arena | 2 p.m.

Share your commencement experience using #CSUMBgrad!

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