
2020 Student Award Winners

To read the guidelines for each award view the Student Awards Webpage.

President's Graduate Award for Exemplary Regional Stewardship

Ryan Shook, Masters of Social Work

President's Award for Exemplary Student Achievement & College of Art, Humanities, and Social Sciences Dean's Medalist

Jacqueline Ceccato, Visual and Public Art

Provost's Graduate Award for Exemplary Academic Achievement

Alexandra Thomsen, Environmental Science, M.S.

Provost's Award for Exemplary Academic Achievement

Amanda Hansen, Psychology

College of Business Dean's Medalist

Justin Baker, Business Administration

College of Health Sciences and Human Services Dean's Medalist

Lissa Alaniz, Collaborative Health and Human Services

Alumni Vision Award

Juan Pacheco Marcial, Psychology

College of Education Dean's Medalist

Mayra Gonzalez, Liberal Studies

College of Science Dean's Medalist

Dalia Faria, Computer Science

Outstanding Senior Award for Social Justice

Andrea Diaz Aquino, Collaborative Health and Human Services