Transfer Pathways
Find your major below to see a typical pathway or map to complete your degree in four semesters.
These transfer pathways are for students enrolling at CSUMB in Fall 2024. Pathways from previous years are available on the Transfer Pathway Archive.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Transfer Pathways
- Cinematic Arts B.A. The Cinematic Arts major is aligned with the AS-T in Film, Television, and Electronic Media
- Environmental Studies B.A. (includes Education and Community Outreach or Sustainable Communities)
- Ethnic and Gender Studies B.A. The Ethnic and Gender Studies major is aligned with the AA-T in Social Justice Studies.
- Global Studies B.A.
- Humanities and Communication B.A. (includes concentrations in Communication Studies, Creative Writing and Social Action, English Studies, Historical Studies, Journalism and Media Studies, Legal Studies, Philosophy and Applied Ethics, or English Subject Matter Preparation (for those who want to teach high school English)
- Japanese Language & Culture B.A.
- Liberal Studies B.A. (for students who may want to teach but would like to wait and complete a credential program later)
- Liberal Studies B.A. + Credential (includes Integrated Bilingual Elementary Education, Integrated Elementary Education, or Integrated Special Education. This is a 135-credit pathway to complete a B.A. and a teaching credential in four years)
- Music B.A. (includes a concentration in Music Technology)
- Psychology B.A.
- Social & Behavioral Sciences B.A. (includes concentrations in Anthropology, Geographic Information Systems, Native American Studies, Political Economy, or Social History; Students may also select from one of 9 minors instead of a concentration)
- Sociology B.A.
- Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures B.A.
- Visual and Public Art B.A.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Transfer Pathways
- Agricultural Plant and Soil Sciences B.S.
- Biology B.S. (includes concentrations in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity, Molecular Biology, or Teacher Preparation)
- Biology B.S. with Integrated Teaching Credential (for BIO majors who want to teach high school and complete their Biology B.S. and teaching credential at the same time)
- Business Administration B.S. (includes concentrations in Accounting, Agribusiness, Business Analytics & Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, Management and International Business, or Marketing)
- Collaborative Health and Human Services B.S. (includes concentrations in Public Health, Nonprofit Management, Social Work, or Interdisciplinary)
- Communication Design B.S. (includes concentrations in Game Design or Visual Design)
- Computer Science B.S. (includes concentrations in Data Science, Game Development, Network & Security, or Software Engineering)
- Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy B.S. (includes concentrations in Applied Ecology, Environmental Data Analysis, or Watershed Systems)
- Human Development & Family Science B.S. The HDFS transfer pathway aligns with the AS-T in Early Childhood Education and the AA-T in Child and Adolescent Development.
- Kinesiology B.S. (includes concentrations in Exercise Science or Wellness)
- Marine Science B.S.
- Mathematics B.S. (includes concentrations in Pure and Applied Math or Math for Teaching)
- Mechatronics Engineering B.S.
- Statistics B.S.
- Sustainable Hospitality & Tourism Management B.S. (includes concentrations in Destination and Tourism Management or Hospitality and Event Management)
Transfer Pathways - Alphabetical list by Major
Agricultural Plant and Soil Sciences B.S. Transfer Pathway
Agricultural Plant and Soil Science AS-T Pathway
This AGPS pathway is for students who have completed an AS-T in Agriculture-Plant Science and have sent official degree verification to CSUMB, or who have completed coursework in chemistry, soil science, plant science, economics, statistics and ag-related specialty courses.
Biology B.S Transfer Pathways
Biology majors must select one of three concentrations, or may pursue Biology with an Integrated Teaching credential. These pathways assume that students have completed an Associate for Transfer in Biology, or have completed Calculus 1, General Chemistry 1 and 2, 1 year of Biology for BIO majors, Physics 1 and 2, and the IGETC for STEM GE pattern.
BIO: Ecology, Evolution, and Organisms Concentration AS-T Pathway
BIO: Molecular Biology Concentration AS-T Pathway
BIO: Teacher Preparation Concentration AS-T Pathway
Biology B.S. + Integrated Teaching Credential Transfer Pathway
BiO B.S. + Teaching Credential Transfer Pathway for BIO AS-T This pathway is for Biology majors who plan to teach high school and would like the opportunity to complete their Biology B.S. and the teaching credential within two years of transferring, with a total of 74 to 82 credits at CSUMB, depending on coursework completed prior to transfer.
Business Administration B.S. Transfer Pathways
Business majors select one of the following pathways. The Accounting concentration has three different pathways depending upon career goals. These pathways are for students who have completed an Associate for Transfer in Business.
BUS: Accounting - Financial Planning AS-T Pathway
BUS: Accounting - General Accounting AS-T Pathway
BUS: Accounting - Professional Accounting AS-T Pathway
BUS: Agribusiness AS-T Pathway
BUS: Agribusiness AS-T Pathway
BUS: Business Analytics and Information Systems AS-T Pathway
BUS: Entrepreneurship AS-T Pathway
BUS: Management and International Business AS-T Pathway
BUS: Marketing AS-T Pathway
Cinematic Arts and Technology B.A. Transfer Pathway
Cinematic Arts AS-T Pathway This pathway is for students who have completed an Assocate for Transfer in Film, Television, and Electronic Media. Other transfer students may need to complete additional 200-level courses such as CART 200, Introduction to Filmmaking., CART 228 Cinematic History 1849-1960, or CART 230 The Art of Storytelling.
Collaborative Health and Human Services B.S. Transfer Pathway
Students majoring in Collaborative Health and Human Services select one of the concentrations below, depending on career goals and interests. The interdisciplinary concentration allows students to take coursework from two of the other three concentrations.
CHHS: Interdisciplinary Transfer Pathway
CHHS: Public Administration & Nonprofit Management Transfer Pathway
CHHS: Public Health Transfer Pathway
CHHS: Social Work Transfer Pathway
Communication Design B.S. Transfer Pathways
Communication Design majors select a concentration in Game Design or Visual Design.
Communication Design: Game Design Transfer Pathway
Communication Design: Visual Design Transfer Pathway
Computer Science B.S. Transfer Pathways
Computer Science majors select one of four concentrations. The transfer pathways shown here are for students who have completed an Associate for Transfer in Computer Science, or the major courses listed at the top of each pathway. CS: Data Science AS-T Pathway
CS: Game Development AS-T Pathway
CS: Network & Security AS-T Pathway
CS: Software Engineering AS-T Pathway
Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy B.S. Transfer Pathways
Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy majors select one of the following concentrations. These pathways are for transfer students who have completed an Associate for Transfer in Environmental Science, or the major courses listed at the top of each pathway.
ESTP: Applied Ecology AS-T Pathway
ESTP: Environmental Data Analysis AS-T Pathway
ESTP: Watershed Systems AS-T Pathway
Environmental Studies B.A. Transfer Pathways
Environmental Studies majors select one of the following concentrations, and also have the opportunity to complete a related minor. These transfer pathways assume completion of a Statistics class and at least three of the following: environmental science, biology, economics, geology or geography, and ocieanography.
ENSTU: Education & Community Outreach Transfer Pathway
ENSTU: Sustainable Communities Transfer Pathway
Ethnic and Gender Studies B.A. Transfer Pathway
Ethnic & Gender Studies AA-T Pathway for students who completed an Associate for Transfer in Social Justice Studies
Global Studies B.A. Transfer Pathway
Global Studies AA-T Pathway for students who completed an AA-T in Global Studies or an Intro to Globalization or Global/International Studies.
Human Development & Family Science B.S. Transfer Pathway
Human Development & Family ScienceTransfer Pathway This pathway is for students who have completed an AA-T in Child and Adolescent Development or an AS-T in Early Childhood Education
Humanities and Communication B.A. Transfer Pathways
The Humanities and Communication B.A. is an interdisciplinary major that offers eight concentrations. Most concentrations are aligned with one more more Associate for Transfer Degrees. The transfer pathways for many concentrations depend upon whether you have completed a matching Associate for Transfer degree.
HCOM: Communication Studies Transfer Pathway for AA-T in Communication Studies
HCOM: Communication Studies Transfer Pathway (non AA-T)
HCOM: Creative Writing & Social Action Transfer Pathway for AA-T in English
HCOM: Creative Writing & Social Action Transfer Pathway (no AA-T)
HCOM: English Studies Transfer Pathway for AA-T in English
HCOM: English Studies Transfer Pathway (no AA-T)
HCOM: English Subject Matter Preparation Transfer Pathway (no AA-T) preparation for teaching credential program
HCOM: Historical Studies Transfer Pathway for History AA-T
HCOM: Historical Studies Transfer Pathway (non AA-T)
HCOM:Journalism & Media Studies Transfer Pathway for Journalism AA-T
HCOM: Journalism & Media Studies Transfer Pathway (no AA-T)
HCOM: Legal Studies Transfer Pathway for AA-T in Law, Public Policy, & Society
HCOM: Legal Studies Transfer Pathway (no AA-T)
HCOM: Philosophy & Applied Ethics Transfer Pathway for AA-T in Communication Studies
HCOM: Philosophy & Applied Ethics Transfer Pathway for Philsophy AA-T
Japanese Language & Culture B.A. Transfer Pathway
Japanese Language and Culture B.A. Transfer Pathway This transfer pathway is for students who have completed three semesters of Japanese prior to transferring.
Kinesiology B.S. Transfer Pathways
Kinesiology majors select a concentration in either Exercise Science or Wellness. Transfer students who completed an AA-T in Kinesiology or who have completed Statistics, Human Anatomy with Lab and Human Physiology with lab may follow the AA-T transfer pathways. Transfer students who have not completed Anatomy with lab and Physiology with lab prior to transfer should follow the non AA-T pathways.
KIN: Exercise Science AA-T Transfer Pathway
KIN: Wellness AA-T Transfer Pathway
KIN: Exercise Science Transfer Pathway (non AA-T)
KIN: Wellness Transfer Pathway (no AA-T)
Liberal Studies B.A. Transfer Pathway
LS: Traditional AA-T Pathway This pathway is for transfer students who completed an Associate for Transfer in Elementary Education. Other transfer students should meet with a Liberal Studies Academic Advisor to develop an individualized pathway.
Liberal Studies Integrated Teacher Education (ITEP) B.A. + Credential Pathways
The Liberal Studies Integrated Teacher Preparation (ITEP) program allows students to earn a B.A. in Liberal Studies and complete their teaching credential in 135 total credits. Students should consult with the Liberal Studies ITEP advisor for more information about the criteria to be eligible for the credential portion of this program.
LS: Integrated Bilingual Elementary Education AA-T Pathway
LS: with Integrated Elementary Education Credential AA-T Pathway
LS: with Integrated Special Education Credential AA-T Pathway
Marine Science B.S. Transfer Pathway
Marine Science Transfer Pathway This pathway is for students who have completed Calculus 1, General Chemistry 1 & 2, Physics 1, Oceanography, and Biology 1 (Cell and Molecular Biology with physiology), but NOT Biology 2 or economics. All transfer students should consult with a Marine Science advisor to develop an individualized pathway
Mathematics B.S. Transfer Pathways
MATH: Pure & Applied AS-T Pathway
MATH: Math For Teaching AS-T Pathway
These pathways are for students who have completed an Associate for Transfer in Mathematics. All MATH transfers students should meet with a MATH advisor to develop an individualized learning plan.
Mechatronics Engineering B.S. Transfer Pathways
Mechatronics Engineering B.S. Transfer Pathway This pathway assumes that students have completed the following pre-requisite coursework:
Engineering: Introduction to EngineeringStatics, Materials Sci Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Strength of Materials, Circuit Analysis,
Math: Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Multivariate Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
Physical Science: General Chemistry 1 with lab, Physics for Engineers 1 and 2
Computer Science (Programming 1 (or Matlab), Data Structures
Music B.A. Transfer Pathway
Music majors can select a concentration in Music Technology, or complete the standard Music B.A., in which students take music electives instead of music technology concentration courses. These pathways are for transfer students who have completed Music Theory and Musicianship 1, 2, and 3, and Piano or Keyboard 1 & 2, a music/recording technology course, along with all general education requirements.
Music AA-T Transfer Pathway (no concentration)
Music Technology Transfer Pathway
Psychology B.A. Transfer Pathway
Psychology AA-T Pathway This pathway is for students who have completed an Associate for transfer in Psychology.
Social & Behavioral Sciences B.A. Transfer Pathways
Students majoring in Social and Behavioral Sciences select one of the following concentrations, or select a related minor (see below) instead of a concentration
SBS: Anthropology AA-T Transfer Pathway for transfer students with AA-T in Anthropology
SBS: Geographic Information Systems Transfer Pathway for Geography AA-T
SBS: Native American Studies Transfer Pathway for students who have completed one course in Native American Studies
SBS: Political Economy Pathway for AA-T in Political Science
SBS: Social History AA-T Transfer Pathway for students with AA-T in history
SBS: Sociology AA-T Transfer Pathway for students with AA-T in Sociology who major in Social and Behavioral Sciences
SBS: w/ Minor + SBS Electives Transfer Pathway SBS majors may also choose a related minor, plus 8 credits of SBS or SOC electives, n place of a concentration. The current list of approved minors can be found on the SBS B.A. page of the CSUMB catalog.
Sociology B.A. Transfer Pathway
Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures B.A. Transfer Pathway
Spanish AA-T Transfer Pathway This pathway is for students who have completed an Associate for Transfer in Spanish, or who have completed all general education requirements and can demonstrate Spanish proficiency at the low-intermediate level (Spanish 3 equivalent) via placement, college credit, or test scores.
Statistics B.S. Transfer Pathway
Statistics B.S. Transfer PathwayThis pathway assumes that students have completed Calculus I & II, Multivariate Calculus, and at least two of Discrete Math, Differential Equations/Linear Algebra, Computer Programming, as well as all CSU lower-division GE and American Institutions requirements.
Sustainable Hospitality & Tourism Management Transfer Pathways
HOSP: Destination & Tourism Management Transfer Pathway
HOSP: Hospitality & Event Management Transfer Pathway
These transfer pathways are for students who have completed Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Introductory Statistics, AND CSU GE & American Institutions requirements.
Visual and Public Art B.A. Transfer Pathway
Visual & Public Arts AA-T Pathway This pathway is for students with an AA-T in Studio Art or Art History, or who have completed all general education requirements and at least 12 credits of art courses.