About our students

Fall 2021 total enrollment: 7,504

See the top majors and degrees in the 2022 Fast Facts Sheet.


Graph showing that 63% of CSUMB students are women and 37% are men


Underrepresented groups

Graph showing that there are 1,484 adult students, 3,377 first generation students, 3,317 underrepresented minorities and 2,004 low income students


Student age

Graph showing that 3 CSUMB students are age 17 below, 2,199 are between ages 18 and 20, 3,082 are between ages 21 and 24, 1,311 are between ages 25 and 30, and 909 students are age 31 and up

Student level

Graph showing that there are 1,174 Freshmen, 790 Sophomores, 2,031 Juniors, 2,640 Seniors 675 Graduate students, 136 Credential students, and 58 Post Baccalaureate students

Race and ethnicity

Graph showing that 45% of CSUMB students are Latinos, 29% are White, 9% are multiracial, 8% are Asian American, 4% are African American, 1% are Native American, 1% are Pacific Islanders and the rest declined to answer


Student origin

Graph showing that 53% of CSUMB students are other California areas, 43% are from the Tri-County, 2% are from other states and another 2% from other countries



Graph showing that 32% of CSUMB students are from Monterey County, 8% are from Santa Cruz County and 2% are from San Benito County


Other California

Graph showing that 18% of CSUMB students are from Southern California, another 18% percent from Central California and 17% from Northern California