Student Affairs and Enrollment Services

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Valarie Maestas

Project Rebound Director

Hailing from the warm high desert, Valarie was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Leaving home and dropping out of high school at 14, Valarie experienced numerous childhood traumas, police encounters, and threats of juvenile detention. Valarie was fortunate enough to make it out of the circumstances she was born into and found her way through higher education which transformed her life and that of her children. Those in her inner circle were not as lucky. Her journey and those closest to her drive her passion and commitment to serving those like her, who did not know there was another path. 

As a Hispanic, first-generation college student and young mother, she navigated many challenges and achieved tremendous success. She holds an Associates in Liberal Arts, a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and Psychology from the University of New Mexico and a Masters in Health Education. Her graduate research focused on adverse childhood experiences in incarcerated youth and yoga as a mechanism for healing and reducing symptoms of PTSD.

There is a mission statement from a previous employer that she has always embraced as part of her ethos  “… instill within each student a renewed belief of their individual potential.” She works to reduce barriers and empower others to navigate systems that have been historically inaccessible and oppressive. Valarie understands first-hand the fear, barriers, and immense opportunities that attending college presents and strives to make that path less burdensome for those she serves.

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Patterson Emesibe 

Project Rebound Program Coordinator 

Patterson Emesibe is the Project Rebound Program Coordinator. As a social worker, Patterson has been dedicated to working with individuals, families, and folks from all walks of life to navigate the various systems they are impacted by. Patterson is also an alumnus of Cal State University Monterey Bay and can support students in navigating the various fun, social, and stressful aspects of campus life. 

Patterson has been system-impacted and uses his experience to advocate for those who various systems have impacted. As well as volunteer for various organizations within the Monterey County area.