CEUs for Organizations
CEUs for Teachers & Organizations
A Continued Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized measuring method used to quantify approved learning during professional development and training activities.
CSUMB College of Extended Education offers CEUs for qualified events based on the number of training hours provided:
- One (1.0) CEU is earned for 10 clock hours spent in a planned, structured learning experience or activity.
- For unit conversion purposes: One (1.0) CEU is equivalent to one (1.0) non-degree track quarter unit value.
- CEUs are not academic units and cannot be transferred to a degree program.
Extended Education collaborates with leading local educational providers to qualify their events for CEUs.
Does your organization want to partner with CSUMB to offer CEUs? Learn more here!
- Make sure CEUs are approved for credit by your professional organization
- Make sure the event is qualified for CEUs
- Attend and participate in the qualified event
- Create a student account and purchase units through the Student Portal (EERegister.csumb.edu)
CSUMB offers CEU credits for $70 per unit
CSUMB-EE issues an Official Professional Development Transcript, upon request. Please complete the Transcript Request Form located on the Professional Development Official Transcript page.
You may print an Unofficial Transcript from your student account at no cost.