College of Business Library Update, August 2019
Library update provided by Business Librarian Stephen Fadel
From the Congressional Research Service
As you may know, the Congressional Research Service, part of the U.S. Library of Congress, provides research reports for the U.S. Congress. Free public access to full-text reports is now available—finally—through the federal government's Search CRS Reports web portal.
Here is a selection of 2019 reports related to business and the economy.
From CQ Researcher
As one of the library's databases, CQ Researcher is a popular source for reports on current issues (not just business).
Here are some 2019 reports related to business and economics.
Over the summer, librarians created a CSUMB Library YouTube channel.
Business-related videos include:
Although we've had access for a few years, the database platform Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) has now been added to the library's list of online databases. Prominent resources within WRDS are CRSP (The Center for Research in Security Prices) and Compustat (includes ExecuComp).
The library's subject research and course guides are moving onto a new platform. The look is different, but the content is the same.
An MBA Library Guide is now available on the library's list of business Subject Research Guides. Subject Research Guides are linked from the library's homepage under Start Your Research. Here's a direct link.
This is a summary of recent library instruction sessions for the College of Business. There were two sessions during the summer 2019 term. Feel free to contact me, Stephen Fadel, to schedule an instruction session.
Business Communication, Ethics, and Critical Thinking, BUS-304
Instruction sessions: 1
Strategic Management, BUS-499
Instruction sessions: 1 (joint session for two sections)