Business Databases
ABI/INFORM Collection
Leading source for scholarly, trade and popular press articles in business. Also includes company and industry reports.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
Limited to faculty, graduate students, staff, and class accounts. Includes Compustat and CRSP.
Academic Onefile
Access to scholarly journal articles from many different disciplines.
Academic Search Premier
Includes a large number of peer-reviewed journal articles covering many different topics.
Provides Country Review reports and other country information.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Searchable multi-topic database to over 14,000 full-text open access peer-reviewed journals.
Google Scholar
Easy to search resource for scholarly journal articles and book chapters.
Access to archived scholarly journal articles covering different subject areas.
Full text access to California newspapers.
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
Covers all types of economic and social statistics related to the United States.