Health and Wellness Services

Campus Chaplaincy and Spiritual Support

The Campus Chaplaincy services students, faculty, and staff of all identities, religious traditions, and denominations. We provide pastoral care to individuals and groups, interfaith and interdenominational resources, and support faith-related clubs, programs, and events on campus.

Weekly Noon Prayer on Tuesdays 12:00 -12:30 pm at OSU room 317

The campus community is invited to meet the Chaplains weekly during Noon Prayer at the OSU Meditation Room, followed by lunch at the OSU for an open table discussion. Contact with questions.

Noon prayer and our table discussion are safe spaces, and we are committed to maintaining them free of discrimination and harassment. We welcome community members; however, we expect all visitors to support a discrimination-free space. 

Meditation Room: Students seeking a quiet location for contemplation, meditation, reflection, and prayer may also reserve OSU room 317. OSU Meditation Room Flyer

A photo of students in walking meditation.

Contact our Chaplains if you are seeking:

Meet the Chaplains

Looking for a Religion or Tradition not listed? Call (831) 578-2545 or email 

Contact Campus Chaplains

Phone: 831-582-3969

Building: Building 80

Office Hours: Available upon request