Human Resources

Charting Your Career

The Employee Development team designed this professional learning journey to provide you with the tools and resources needed to support your career development. This journey is on demand so you can complete this at your own pace.

Plan for 2 hours for the main elements of the journey plus time as needed for any desired additional reading and resume development. 

blue green map icon

Included in this chart:

  • A personality self-assessment
  • A career planning skill benchmark test
  • Tools for creating a career action and promotion plan
  • Resources for increasing your networking skills
  • Interviewing best practices
  • Resume and cover letter templates

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this journey, you will be able to:

  • Identify career development opportunities
  • Create a career action plan
  • Create a LinkedIn profile
  • Create or revise your resume utilizing industry best practices
  • Summarize interviewing best practice

Available Training Credits:

  • CPE (NASBA): 1.50
  • PDU (PMI): 0.50

Learning Journey