Behavioral Intervention Team

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) serves as the centralized campus team for discussion and coordinated action regarding reports of disruptive, problematic or concerning behavior or misconduct from co-workers, students, community members, friends, colleagues, etc.

Upon receipt, the Team reviews the report, assesses the threat and determines the best referrals for support, intervention, warning/notification and response.

Core members of the team include representatives from Title IX/DHR, Student Affairs, University Police, Human Resources, Health and Wellness, and Student Conduct.

For immediate help dial 9-1-1

When should I report concerning behavior?

Below are just some of the behaviors and warning signs to look out for and report. Please use this list as a guide.

  • A sudden change in behavior
  • Extremely disruptive or bizarre behavior
  • Thoughts of Suicide or Self-Harm
  • Any threats or acts of violence
  • Weapons
  • Hate Crime & Hate Incidents
  • Sexual assault
  • A loss of contact with reality
  • Disturbing social media postings, e-mails (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Extreme Distress
  • Alcohol/Drug Abuse
  • Family/Domestic Problems
  • Whenever you wonder, "Should I...?"

BIT emphasizes that faculty and staff are key referral sources on campus and are often the first to notice issues that arise with students. BIT strongly advises our community not to ignore uneasy feelings. Instead, consider that this issue may be an opportunity to get help.