Do you want to improve the lives of students? Advocate for higher education at the local and state level? Share your ideas with the campus administration? Associated Students may be the place for you! Check out the paid student opportunities and find out how you can get involved!
2024-2025 Associated Students Elections
Dear Candidate,
Congratulations! You have taken the first step on your incredible journey to run for a position with Associated Students (AS).
Our organization’s mission seeks to serve, represent, and empower all students at Cal State University, Monterey Bay.
We are the official representative student voice and work hard to respond to student issues and concerns. Our team is passionate about working to create positive changes while helping each otter out, both on campus and in the state-wide CSU system.
I highly recommend you review this entire election packet and take note of all deadlines presented to you. The elections packet, the code of elections, and the AS bylaws should all be read fully and may be found online both under public documents on the AS website and under the “Elections” tab at csumb.edu/as/elections. It is under this tab that you will find all supplementary materials needed to run in the AS elections.
Any missed deadlines or violations of governing documents will unfortunately have to result in the candidate being subject to disqualification. Any violation will be reviewed and addressed appropriately. We strive to be as fair and ethical as possible.
All election forms must be submitted in hard copy to SELD Suite - Otter Student Union, 3rd floor, room 304 OR emailed to Mia Sidaris at aselections@csumb.edu by the stated deadlines.
Please stick to one mode of submission. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to the AS Elections Commissioner, Mia Sidaris at aselections@csumb.edu.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your interest in running for an Associated Students officer position.
The Elections Committee and our AS team look forward to working with you as a candidate and commend you on your decision to make an impact as a student leader on our campus.
Continue to lead with students best interest in mind. You rock! We wish you the best of luck as we begin our elections for the 2025-2026 Academic Year!
Go Otters!
Your Fellow Student Leader,
Aaron Villarreal
Associated Students President 2024-2025
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please reach out to the AS Elections Commissioner, Kody Storms at aselections@csumb.edu.

Elections Packet & Information
View the Elections packet for more information on positions, candidacy requirements, and how to run for office. Elections packets are due February 17 2025 by 5:00 p.m.
Available Positions
Executive Board
- AS President* Needs to have AS level experience (for one semester)
- Vice President of Internal Affairs
- Vice President of Financial Affairs
- Vice President of University Affairs
- Vice President of External Affairs
Academic Senators
- College of Arts Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) Senator
- College of Business Senator
- College of Education Senator
- College of Health Sciences and Human Services (CHSHS) Senator
- College of Science Senator
Programmatic Senators
- Diversity & Inclusion Senator
- Sustainability Senator
- Basic Needs Senator
Elections Timeline
Date | Item |
Description |
Location |
11/13/2024 - 1/31/2025 |
Candidate Information Tabling |
Elections information available via tabling at Otter Student Union, Farmers Market, Otter Thursdays, and Social Media |
Tabling and Social Media |
1/21/2025 (Tuesday) |
Election Packets Available |
Elections packets available online and in person |
Online or OSU Room 304 |
1/28/2025 or 1/29/2025 (Tuesday or Wednesday) |
Q+A Event With Senators & Executives |
Allows for candidates to ask questions directly to people in their roles |
2/3/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
Confirm Start of Elections |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
2/7/2025 (Friday) |
Elections Packet Due |
Candidates must submit completed packets before 4:59pm virtually or physically, marked upon receival |
Otter Student Union 304 |
2/10/2025 (Monday) |
Candidate Orientation |
Elections Committee goes over elections and chance for candidates to ask questions Mandatory TBD Time Closed to the Public |
2/14/2025 (Friday) |
Candidates Mixer |
Candidates have a chance to talk to the students Mandatory TBD Time Open to the Public |
TBD (hopefully OSU ballroom) |
2/17/2025 (Monday) |
Campaigning Begins |
Candidates may begin campaigning per the rules set by the Elections Committee and Governing Documents |
Campus-Wide at 12:01am |
2/24/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
Submit Sample Ballot and Note Candidate Mixer and Orientation |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
2/22/2025 (Tuesday) |
Debate |
Candidates debate on stage to showcase their knowledge and ideas |
World Theatre/Broadcast |
3/3/2025 (Monday) |
Sample Ballot |
Sample Ballot Released |
Online by Email |
3/4/2025 (Tuesday) |
Follow-Up Debate/Speeches |
Candidates Address Further Questions for Final Time |
OM Broadcast/World Theater |
3/7/2025 (Friday) |
Expense Reports Due |
Due physically or virtually by 4:59 PM, marked upon receival |
OSU 304 or Email aselections@csumb.edu |
3/11/2025-3/12/2025 (Tuesday - Wednesday) |
Election Days |
Online Elections Open |
Open 12:01am on 3/11 - Closed by 11:59pm on 3/12 |
3/17/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
Elections officially closed/Review Election Results |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
3/24/2025 (Monday) |
Results Release Party |
Public release of results, open to all TBD |
InterGarrison Plaza |
3/31/25 - 4/4/25 |
Spring Break |
Spring Break |
Spring Break |
4/7/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
12pm-2pm, Mandatory for Officers |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
4/14/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
12pm-2pm, Mandatory for Officers |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
4/14/2025 or 4/21/2024 (Monday) |
Inauguration |
Afternoon (12pm-2pm) Mandatory |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
4/21/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
12pm-2pm, Mandatory for Officers |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
4/28/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate Meeting |
12pm-2pm, Mandatory for Officers |
Tanimura Library #1180 |
Transition Retreat Day 1 |
Transition Retreat Day 2 |
5/5/2025 (Monday) |
AS Senate (Last meeting) |
Mandatory |
Tanimura Library #1180 |