Associated Students

Associated Students Executive Board

The Associated Students Executive Board is overseen by the AS President. This board is responsible for the oversight of the Associated Students Senate, University and CSU system-wide affairs, financial affairs, and the general well being of Associated Students at large. 

Photo of AS Officer Aaron
Aaron Villarreal
Associated Students President


Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo

Vice President of University Affairs

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo

Peter Garcia
Vice President of Internal Affairs

Photo of AS Officer Andrew

Andrew Nino
Vice President of Financial Affairs

Photo of AS Officer Rylee

Rylee Jue
Vice President of External Affairs          Interim Vice President of University Affairs

Photo of AS Officer Mia

Mia Sidaris
Elections Commissioner

Associated Students Senate

Associated Students of Cal State Monterey Bay Senate includes one representative from each college: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Business, College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, and College of Science. AS Senate also includes three senators whose responsibilities focus on special campus initiatives including Diversity and Inclusion, Environmental Affairs, and Community Affairs. 

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo
Natalie Navaro
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Senator


Photo of our AS Officer Cynthia

Cynthia Arvizu Vazquez
College of Business Senator

A Photo of AS Officer Alyssa
Alyssa Walter
College of Science Senator

Photo of AS Officer Victor

Victor (Keithia) Chong
Diversity and Inclusion Senator

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo
Jasmine Torres
Basic Needs Senator


Photo of AS Officer Destiny

Destiny-Ciara Yano
Sustainability Senator

Associated Students Program Board

Associated Students Program Board (ASPB) serves and celebrates CSU Monterey Bay's diverse student population through co-curricular and social programming. ASPB strives to promote campus traditions, holistic wellness, and a positive sense of belonging as a means to enhancing the college experience.

Click here to learn more about upcoming programs put on by ASPB. If you have any questions or event ideas, please consider joining our general student body meetings or email us at

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo
Campus Programs Specialist

Photo of our AS Officer

Amber Dimassimo 
Campus Programs Specialist

Photo of AS Officer - Hope

Hope Reis
Campus Programs Specialist

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo

Champagne Pearl Concepcion
Marketing & Social Media Specialist

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo

Deirdre Doyle
Marketing & Social Media Specialist

Associated Students of CSU Monterey Bay Logo

Layla Williams-Sturdivant
Marketing & Social Media Specialist

Associated Students Services Student Coordinator

The Associated Students Services Student Coordinator enhances the student experience by providing excellent customer service as the first point of contact in the SELD Office and by supporting AS Services, including the Box Office, Farmers Market, Hammocks, and Toiletry Pantry.
Photo of AS Student Coordinator

Annette Angeles 
Associated Students Services Student Coordinator 

Photo of AS Student Coordinator

Natalie Gutierrez
Associated Students Services Student Coordinator 



Photo of AS Student Coordinator

Ruben Maldonado
Associated Students Services Student Coordinator 

Photo of AS Services Coordinator - Ryen

Ryen Martinez
Associated Students Services Student Coordinator