Human Resources

Faculty Compensation

The Office of the Chancellor, Systemwide HR, is the official distributor of the CSU salary schedule.  

Updated CFA Successor Contract Compensation Provisions


CSU Salary Schedule

Salaries are negotiated through collective bargaining between the CSU Board of Trustees and the California Faculty Association. The salary ranges are the same throughout the California State University for equivalent levels. Salary levels within each rank or range are defined by a minimum salary level, a service-based maximum salary level, and a performance-based maximum salary level. Newly-appointed faculty may be hired at a salary which is above the service-based maximum salary for a given rank/range, but will be ineligible to receive SSI consideration (see the following section). The official CSU Salary Schedule web page provides access to CSU salary schedules by issue date.

Salary Table

Unit 3 Salaries at a Glance: Unit 3 Salary Table

This chart was updated July 2022, is to be used as a reference, and does not replace the CSU Salary Schedule. The new salary table will be updated as soon as it is available.


AY faculty payment schedule and benefits coverage

Academic employees are paid monthly. Academic year employees receive twelve monthly paychecks. Advances on unearned salary are not permitted. The Payroll webpage includes a list of monthly payment dates and information for those interested in having their paychecks electronically deposited directly in their bank, savings and loan, or credit union.


Salary Adjustments

The following salary adjustments may apply if negotiated through collective bargaining in any given year (please see Article 31 of the CBA):

General Salary Increase (GSI)

A General Salary Increase is an increase to base salary that applies to all employees within the faculty bargaining unit.

Service Salary Increases (SSI)

After appointment or promotion, faculty may be eligible to apply for up to a maximum of eight (8) Service Salary Increases (SSI), or the equivalent, for “demonstrated satisfactory performance commensurate with rank, work assignment, and years of service” when SSIs are specifically negotiated. SSIs may not be awarded beyond the service-based maximum on salary schedule for a rank or range, even if a faculty member has not attained the equivalent of eight SSIs before reaching the maximum. For eligible faculty having an SSI counter greater than zero, an SSI not exceeding 2.65% will be applied to their salary the first day of the quarter after they become eligible. Per Article 31.23, a Service Salary Increase shall be implemented only in Fiscal Year 2021/22 and Fiscal Year 2023/24, effective on the faculty unit employees’ anniversary date.


Promotion Increases


In accordance with Article 31.5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (ratified December 2021), “promotion shall be accompanied by advancement of at least nine percent 9% on the salary scale.”  The University also performs an equity analysis for all faculty going up for promotion. The President considers this equity analysis in making the final decision on the salary adjustments for successful applications for promotions.


Faculty who have submitted a promotion portfolio may submit a letter to their Dean to request an equity adjustment above the collective bargaining agreement’s percentage increase upon promotion. This is an optional letter and is not part of the review process, nor is it in any way considered as part of the review process.  The letter should only address equity.  Market requests for salary adjustments (MSI) are not part of the RTP process, but are a separate and distinct process explained below. 


Post-Promotion Increases (PPI)


In accordance with CBA Article 31.15, in Fiscal Year 2022-2023, for all eligible faculty, a Post-Promotion Increase of 2.65% shall be paid effective on faculty unit employees’ anniversary dates.  The Post-Promotion Increase is for Senior faculty members (full professors and Lecturer D faculty and equivalent librarian, counselor, and coaching faculty ranks) who have exhausted all of their SSI eligibility.


Market Salary Increases (MSI)

Application for market salary increase

Markey Salary Increase Guidelines

The President may grant a salary increase to a probationary or tenured faculty member to address market considerations. Applications for market adjustments are submitted by the faculty member to the department chair, with copies to the AVP Academic Personnel and Provost. Applications for market-based increases shall normally be accompanied by documentation supporting the market-based salary lag or a verified offer of employment from another college or university on institutional letterhead.  Applications shall be reviewed separately by a department committee of tenured faculty and the department head/chair, with the department chair forwarding both recommendations to the college dean.

After conducting a comprehensive analysis of faculty salaries within the department and college, the college dean will make an independent recommendation to the Provost, supporting or not supporting the request. The dean may issue a supporting recommendation to the Provost only when such a salary request:

  1. is clearly supported by market-based evidence, and the evidence provided appropriately meets the criteria for a market-based salary lag; and
  2. is supported by proof of availability of permanent funding within the college's budget, since funding from University sources is not available for this program. The dean's recommendation must address these requirements in detail.

The Dean will forward all recommendations to the Provost via the AVP Academic Personnel. The decision of the Provost to grant or deny a market adjustment, the effective date of the increase, if granted, and the amount of the increase to be granted shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.

Lecturer Range Elevation

Lecturers who are ineligible for further Service Salary Increases (i.e. have an SSI counter of “0” and who have at least five (5) years of service) may request to be considered for elevation to the next lecturer range upon subsequent appointment. These requests will be considered in accordance with established campus policy and appropriate college and department criteria. Decisions will be issued by the Dean at the time of reappointment. More information about range elevation criteria and procedures can be found at this link.

Salary Data

CSU Average Salaries

Chronicle Data

More information about faculty compensation can be found in the Faculty Handbook.