Staff Council

Staff Council at Cal State Monterey Bay advocates for staff and serves the local community through service projects. We plan events to positively impact staff culture and morale, seek out and respond to ideas and suggestions, and help the University administration recognize staff. We work to promote open communication and create a cohesive campus community, ensuring that staff members’ voices are heard.

Staff Council Logo
Makerspace Logo

Sign up for a staff craft session at the Maker's Space in the Library. Sessions are from 1-3 pm on the first Friday of the month.


Gather your creative juices and submit a design in this year's T-shirt Design contest.

View a calendar of upcoming meetings as well as agendas from upcoming and past meetings.

Ideas and Feedback

We are always interested in new ideas and feedback. Let us know what kinds of events and activities interest you or how we can do something better.

Send Ideas or Feedback

Hand holding a lightbulb


Contact the Staff Council

Send an email to