Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Academic Accommodations

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accommodations

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accommodations include post-production captioning, live captioning, ASL interpreters, and equipment loans.  Please contact SDAC prior to the start of the semester; it may take several weeks to implement these accommodations. For more information, please contact

As with other disabilities, students should be expected to meet all course requirements, although modification may be necessary in areas involving the delivery of information.

  •  When SDAC is aware that a student needs pre-recorded captioned videos, we will contact their professors and work with them to provide those videos as soon as possible.

  • Live captioning is when the class is captioned for viewers as the class is occurring.

  • Sign Language interpreters may be needed by students to attend courses. 

    • After being authorized for a sign language interpreter by an SDAC advisor, SDAC will schedule interpreters for classroom sessions. 
    • If an interpreter is needed outside of class, please request interpreters 10 days prior to the event. Email your request to the SDAC Deaf Services account at
      • Information to include in email: day(s), time(s), location - whether it is virtual or not, instructor name or host of event, and the event title.
  • Some students with hearing impairments find it helpful to use an assistive listening device to amplify sound. Using this device, an instructor uses a small microphone to transmit audio to the receiver, which is worn by the student. 

    SDAC also has Ubi Duos available to loan. This device allows students who are Deaf to have a conversation with a person by typing back and forth.

To request any of these accommodations, please schedule an appointment with an SDAC advisor.