
Building Evacuation Policy

1.00 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide information and guidelines to the CSU Monterey Bay (CSUMB) campus community regarding safe and orderly evacuation of buildings in the event of an emergency. Additionally, this policy outlines the conditions for which building occupants must evacuate a building[1] and delineates the responsibility of Building Emergency Coordinators, campus affiliates and the campus population during a drill, exercise, test or emergency[2] for on-campus property and noncampus buildings[3] as outlined by CSU policy and federal regulation[4].

2.00 Definitions

Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC): A University staff or faculty employee who performs the duties specified in the CSUMB Building Emergency Coordinator Plan (Annex B to the CSUMB Emergency Operations Plan or EOP). A roster of Building Emergency Coordinators is maintained by Emergency Management, Health, and Safety (EMHS)[5].

Building Evacuation Drill: A coordinated, supervised activity used to validate skills or capabilities in a particular activity that is done at least once a year or more frequently as needed (e.g. Student Housing & Residential Life (SHRL) evacuation drills). Building evacuation drills are intended as an all-hazard test of the building/facility evacuation process and are usually begun with the sounding of a fire alarm. The University Police Department (UPD), fire authorities and SHRL reserve the right to conduct building evacuation drills building-by-building. Also referred to as “drill.”

Campus Population: Includes, but may not be limited to, staff, faculty, and administrators employed by the University, the University Corporation, and contracted vendors, as well as students, guests, and volunteers.

Emergency: A sudden and usually unforeseen event that calls for immediate measures to minimize its adverse consequences, including conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property which require the response of community resources.

Emergency Evacuation Plan Map: Maps that are posted near exits of each building/facility and may also be viewed online, showing exit routes and primary assembly areas.

Essential Personnel: Campus administrators, faculty, and staff who are required to report to a designated work location to ensure the operation of University functions during an emergency or when the University is experiencing a suspension in function. Essential personnel vary depending on the type of emergency or suspended function.

Evacuation: The orderly withdrawal of building occupants to a designated primary assembly area in response to an actual or potential emergency.

Evacuation Exercise: For the purpose of this policy, evacuation exercises are coordinated, supervised, and operated in coordination with a hazard-specific training event conducted campus-wide (e.g. The Great California Shakeout). Evacuation exercises may not be accompanied by a fire alarm but will be announced by the Chief of Police, or designee, or University Communications. In some cases an evacuation notification may also be utilized (See Section 5.00 Evacuation Notification) immediately prior to an evacuation exercise. Also referred to as “exercise.”

Evacuation Notification: A message, if warranted, issued to the occupants of a campus building affected by an emergency that instructs occupants to evacuate the building in accordance with the building’s emergency evacuation plan map as an included component of an emergency notification. The term evacuation notification also refers to the notifications issued in conjunction with evacuation drills and exercises.

False Alarm: A fire alarm or other emergency signal intentionally or unintentionally activated when no emergency exists.

Noncampus Building: Any building owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by CSUMB; or any building or property owned or controlled by CSUMB that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, CSUMB’s educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and is not within the same, reasonably contiguous geographic area of the University. For the purposes of this policy, noncampus buildings are only subject to training, drills, and exercises as outlined. Actual emergencies requiring evacuation will be responded to and handled by the appropriate local agencies.

On-campus Property: Any building or property owned or controlled by CSUMB within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the University in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the University’s educational purposes, including residence halls; and any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous to the campus that is owned by CSUMB but controlled by another person, is frequently used by students, and supports institutional purposes. Also referred to as “on-campus.” On-campus property includes residential facilities.

Primary Assembly Area: A designated open-space area at least 50 feet away and easily accessible from the building and that is capable of holding all building occupants safely. These areas will not include locations where emergency personnel are likely to respond or open areas contained within structures (e.g. courtyard). Each building’s primary assembly area is visibly marked on its Emergency Evacuation Plan Map. Maps are posted near exits of each building/facility and may also be viewed online.

Test: Regularly scheduled drills, exercises, and appropriate follow-through activities, designed for assessment and evaluation of emergency plans and capabilities.

3.00 Building Management Coordination

BECs shall be identified by department leadership of each building, and their names forwarded to EMHS within 15 days of their designation.

EMHS shall request updated BEC listings from department leadership annually by January 7. Department leadership shall submit their listing of BECs no later than January 15.

Each building shall have a designated BEC(s). Alternate BECs shall be identified by department leadership in cases of sick leave or vacation by the originally assigned BEC.

EMHS shall be responsible for coordinating and conducting the University’s evacuation exercises.

4.00 Responsibilities

Pursuant to the CSUMB’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), UPD and the Chief of Police have been assigned responsibility for campus emergency management activities and programs by the Emergency Manager Executive (i.e. Vice President of Administration and Finance). Therefore, UPD, and if warranted in collaboration with local support organizations, shall lead evacuation drills, exercises, or response to an actual emergency.

According to the National Fire Protection Association Standard (NFPA) Fire Prevention Code Section 3.22, drills include suitable procedures so that all persons who are subject to them participate. Drill and evacuation plans cover all persons in the building; therefore; occupants of University buildings must exit when alarms sound or when emergency authorities or the BEC initiates an evacuation. Any person failing to comply with fire drill procedures is subject to being escorted out of the building by UPD. The BECs shall report incidents of employee[6] non-compliance to evacuate a building to the employee's immediate supervisor for further review and corrective action. Any incidents of student non-compliance to evacuate may be forwarded by the SHRL BEC to the Student Conduct Coordinator or to the Judicial Affairs Student Conduct Administrator for consideration of corrective or disciplinary action. No person may leave the primary assembly area or campus until they have been counted and released by the assigned BEC[7], as directed by UPD Personnel.

4.10 Campus Population

Members of the campus population shall:

  1. Know the evacuation routes and assembly points for buildings they occupy;
  2. Assist others in need during evacuations without placing themselves in danger;
  3. Evacuate the building in an orderly manner whenever the fire alarm system is activated and evacuation is ordered by an appropriate campus authority, or during planned evacuation drills and exercises, whether announced or not;
  4. Adhere to all campus health, safety, and security policies;
  5. Follow evacuation and safety plans in the event of an emergency situation, drill, or exercise; and,
  6. Comply with the directions of identified University officials and uniformed emergency response personnel.

4.20 Faculty, Researchers, and Staff

In addition to the responsibilities identified in section 4.10 of this policy, faculty, researchers, and staff who work directly with students are encouraged to:

  1. Inform students of safety and evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency situation and implementing those procedures during an event or drill; and,
  2. Report in-class incidents and potential hazards to appropriate University departments (i.e., EMHS, Facilities Services and Operations, Campus Planning and Development, etc.) for follow-up action

4.30 Building Emergency Coordinators

In addition to the responsibilities identified in section 4.10, identified building emergency coordinators shall:

  1. Thoroughly familiarize themselves with the locations of exits, areas of refuge, fire extinguishers, emergency notification systems, the location of utility disconnects and evacuation plans and policies for the building or suite to which they are assigned;
  2. Regularly monitor exit corridors, doors, and other areas of the path of exit travel to ensure that these areas are kept clear of storage and obstructions;
  3. Serve as the primary evacuation assembly area coordinator and the building's initial point of contact for Emergency Operations Center in an emergency;

  4. Complete one in-person training annually and all federally required online training; and,
  5. Perform the duties as outlined in the BEC Plan and checklists for each Drill and Evacuation[8].

5.00 Evacuation Notification

Upon confirmation of an emergency impacting campus buildings, facilities, or appropriate segment(s) of the campus community, UPD will investigate the report and in cooperation with fire/rescue first-responders, determine if evacuation of the facility is warranted. When evacuation of the building or facility is determined to be appropriate, an Evacuation Notification will be issued for the building as described in this policy and the University's Emergency Operations Plan.

Evacuation notifications shall be coordinated by the Chief of Police, the Clery Director, and management designee(s) as outlined in Section D of Executive Order 1107.

Building evacuations may be announced using a variety of platforms, including but not limited to:

  1. University websites;
  2. Outdoor Public Address System;
  3. OtterALERT (e.g., text message, Twitter, Facebook, RSS Feed, email);
  4. Mass e-mail;
  5. Reverse 9-1-1;
  6. Mass voicemail;
  7. Emergency Update Hotline;
  8. Emergency Alert System;
  9. Local media; and
  10. Fire alarm.

If any of these systems fail or the University deems it appropriate, in-person communication[9] may be used to communicate an Emergency. Other means may also be used as appropriate pending the circumstances.

5.10 Emergency Notifications

For the full policy on emergency notification, please refer to Executive Order 1107.

6.00 Critical Operations Shutdown

Certain campus activities may pose an additional hazard if left unattended or in operation during Evacuation. EMHS will work with departments involved in such activities to develop procedures for response to an Emergency during critical operation. This may require additional training for involved employees, including recognition of risk and when to abandon the operation and evacuate.

7.00 Training

The University Emergency Manager will be responsible for training BECs and the retention of training records.

BECs shall be offered spring and fall in-person orientation trainings annually, and are required to attend at least one in addition to complying with all additional training as delineated in Section 7.3 of the Building Emergency Coordinator Plan.

Additional training for additional faculty and staff or students may be issued upon request from either UPD or EMHS as part of UPD’s community outreach and education initiative.

8.00 Test Protocol

EMHS shall be responsible for coordinating and conducting the University’s emergency response and evacuation Tests.

Tests will be planned in advance but components thereof may be announced or un-announced. Where un-announced drills are planned, every effort will be made to coordinate the drill around the scheduling of sensitive academic activities (i.e., exams, guest lectures, etc.) and critical operations.

Drills and Exercises will be conducted in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program; the SHRL Emergency Housing Plan; and the University’s Emergency Management Employee Training, Testing and Exercise Plan.

The Emergency Manager, Emergency Coordinator, EOC Directors, and other Essential Personnel that would be required to respond to an on-campus Emergency would be expected to participate in the annual Test’s Exercise (e.g. tabletop, functional, or full-scale). The University shall also invite local first responders to participate.

A Test’s Drill and Exercise shall be conducted no more than 30 days apart from one another.

After Action Reports/Improvement Plans (AARs/IPs) provide concrete steps that an entity can take to remedy deficiencies or shortcomings observed during Tests. Tests are also an opportunity to identify lessons learned and best practices that can help build the University’s overall preparedness. As such, each Test shall be documented, including but not limited to:

  1. A description of the test;
  2. The date(s) of the test;
  3. The test's time(s);
  4. Whether the drill was announced or un-announced;
  5. Identification of gaps and lessons learned from the test; and,
  6. Development of a continuous improvement plan based on gap analysis and lessons learned from the test.

The Emergency Manager shall produce an AAR/IP no later than 60 days after the completion of an annual Test.

The Emergency Manager, in concert with the Clery Compliance Officer (CCO) and the Chief of Police, or designee, shall publish a notice to all current students and employees of its annual Test requirement completion. The notice shall contain a summary of the Test’s components and applicable Evacuation procedures. The Test shall be publicized by University Communications upon the completion of the AAR/IP.

EMHS and the CCO shall work to retain records regarding the University’s completion of Higher Education Opportunity Act’s (HEOA) annual Test requirement in accordance with the CSU Records Retention and Disposition Schedule or federal mandate (seven years), whichever is greater.

9.00 Auxiliary Evacuation Plans

Students, faculty and staff occupying an on-campus residential facility during the time of an Evacuation Drill or Emergency are subject to abide by SHRL Evacuation procedures as outlined in the Emergency Housing Plan pursuant to Section 66210 of the California Education Code.

10.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be reviewed five years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness; this policy may be reviewed before that time as necessary.

s/ President Eduardo Ochoa

Effective Date: November 21, 2017

Certification of Process

Reviewed by: Policy Facilitation Team, Human Resources, Student Affairs and Enrollment Services, Administration and Finance, University Development, Academic Affairs Council, Foundation, University Corporation, Associated Students, Educational Planning & Policy Committee, Academic Senate, Legal Counsel, Provost, President’s Cabinet.

End Notes

[1] Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 1910.38 and 19 C.C.R. §3.10 upon notification of a fire, conduct of any fire drill, upon activation of the fire alarm, or upon orders of the fire authority having jurisdiction, buildings or structures shall be immediately evacuated or occupants shall be relocated in accordance with established plans as delineated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. § 8665, any person who violates any provisions of [Chapter 7 California Emergency Services Act] or who refuses or willfully neglects to obey any lawful order or regulation promulgated or issued as provided in [Chapter 7], shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment for not to exceed six months or by both such fine and imprisonment.

[2] 19 C.C.R. § 3220 (e)(2); 29 C.F.R. § 1910.38(e)

[3] For the purposes of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance, this policy includes CSUMB’s on-campus and noncampus buildings. For Clery Act (20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)) compliance purposes, documentation regarding emergency response and evacuation tests shall only be for on-campus property.

[4] California State University Executive Order 1056 and 34 C.F.R. § 668.46(g)

[5] EMHS is a division under the University Police Department

[6] Faculty, staff, volunteers, part-time and full-time

[7] Pursuant to California Penal Code 409.5(c), any unauthorized person who willfully and knowingly enters an area that has been closed and who willfully remains within the area after receiving notice to evacuate or leave, or any person who willfully remains in a closed area after receiving notice to evacuate or leave shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

[8] The BEC Plan and checklists are found on the UPD Emergency Management Training and Education webpage: https://csumb.edu/police/building-emergency-coordinator-bec-program.

[9] All references to in-person communication include para-professional and professional faculty and staff (both State-side and Corporation) at the scene of the emergency as directed by emergency response personnel.