Web content management system migration successful
June 2, 2021
The switch over to the new web content management system is complete and operating as expected. In addition, all authentication and dashboard issues are resolved. If you are still having problems logging into the dashboard, clear your cache, close and reopen your browser, and reload the page. Bookmarks for most webpages should continue to work, but users may need to refresh their computer cache to display new pages. Bookmarks to forms and other nested content may break, and you may need to visit the original webpage to gain access to those files.
The website migrated as expected, nearly a one-to-one match. Exceptions to this are for directory, events, and news. Directory is now available and operating on a university data feed. If you believe your information is not accurate, check with your department's liaison to University Personnel to ensure your position, department, and other information is correct in the database. Phone numbers were not initially available in the feed but should populate the week of June 1. Customizable content like pronouns and bios will be available later in the year. News and Events functionality is operational, and web editors can expect additional training in these areas over the summer. To post events in the interim, contact University Communications for assistance.
Information Technology and University Communications continue to review pages for anomalies and areas that formerly contained non-standard content. The majority of site content updates continue as decentralized and the department's responsibility. The project team will continue to focus on correcting issues related to images that did not migrate, removing old feeds, and non-standard content or custom-coded blocks that do not function and are represented on pages as black rectangles. Some images did not migrate to the new website, and we will continue to identify those for repair. Finally, the team will begin removing broken links to increase our site usability.
The partnership of Information Technology and University Communications is pleased to provide an entirely new dashboard experience to our campus. The new format highlights what you need to know and makes finding essential information more manageable. The new presentation features action items for users, provides dynamic audience-specific quick links, and offers streamlined audience-specific news and events—information about how to request that news and events promotion on the dashboard will be coming soon.
Help enhance our search engine!
The Information Technology part of the team is hard at work making the search results better. So far, they have added over 200 commonly used terms and verified that those would return key service points, departments, and academic program links. But they are not done! Now we need your help. Try out our new search bar with your favorite words and phrases. If you don't get the link you expect - let us know!