Institute for Innovation and Economic Development

Women in Venture Capital Initiative

Women in Venture Capital Photo Graphic
Breaking Barriers, Building Opportunities

Considering the current state of the world, we recognize that women need a community of other women now more than ever. Women excel at networking and often seek to make an impact. However, as we have discussed, women frequently take philanthropic risks but hesitate to do the same with investments. From leadership development to investing to building a network, we aim to create a community that helps women learn together, take risks, and achieve their goals.

Women remain significantly underrepresented in venture capital—both as investors and as venture-backed founders. Systemic challenges remain and real change requires collective action.

The Women in Venture Capital Initiative brings together a diverse network to identify problems and solve them! Whether you’re:

  • A woman investor looking to expand your network.
  • A startup founder seeking funding and mentorship.
  • A professional with skills to contribute to the ecosystem.

We invite you to join us! We welcome women and men who support our mission to foster inclusivity in venture capital.

Why Join?

As a member you’ll be helping to support a change to women’s underrepresentation in venture capital. We’ll have:
  • Exclusive in-person gatherings – Connect with like-minded investors, founders, and industry experts.
  • Member directory listing – Increase visibility and build strategic relationships.
  • Educational resources – Access the Women in Venture Capital course materials to deepen your expertise.
  • Working groups to identify and address obstacles women face when working as VCs. 

Become a Member

Join us in getting more women into the venture capital and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Annual Member – $100/year

You can also be a founding member with a one-time donation of $2500.

Sign Up Here!

Executive Champions for the Women in Venture Capital Initiative

Photo of Executive Champions for the Women in Venture Capital Initiative Hilary and May