Open Enrollment period is Closed.
September 16, 2024 to October 11, 2024
CSUMB's Open Enrollment is now open for all Stateside employees! Any changes made during Open Enrollment will go into effect January 1, 2025.

If you are NOT making any changes to your benefits, NO other action is required on your part.
- However, please review the 2025 Health Rates Comparison Chart for any change to your current health plan rate, which will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
- Re-enrollment is required in the HCRA and/or DCRA plans if you wish to participate for calendar year 2025.
- Any changes made to your current benefits will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
During this year's Open Enrollment period, eligible employees may:
- enroll in Health, Dental, Vision or FlexCash, if benefit eligible and not currently enrolled
- change benefit plans
- add or delete eligible dependents (children up to age 26)
- enroll or re-enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts (Health Care and/or Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts) for 2025
- enroll in the ARAG Legal Assistance plan
- enroll in Accident Insurance
- enroll in Critical Illness Insurance
- enroll in Life Insurance (one-time opportunity for guarantee issue amounts)
Open enrollment closes October 11, 2024. Forms must be returned to the Human Resources in Tide Hall (bldg. 23) locked mailbox on the outside of the building, or emailed to as soon as possible, and no later than October 11, 2024.
View the CalState Open Enrollment Webpage
- CalState Open Enrollment Webpage - please select Monterey Bay as your campus and use your CSUMB password login.
- The following is a summary of benefit changes for 2025. For more information, please review the 2024 Open Enrollment Benefits Guide.
- Health Plan Rate Changes
- Effective January 1, 2025, rates for most health plans will change.
- 2025 Health Rates Comparison Chart
- Vision Plan Rate Changes
- Effective January 1, 2025, rates for the VSP Premier Plan will change.
- PPO Plan Changes
- Effective January 1, 2025, Blue Shield of California will be the new administrator for all PPO plans. For active employees in the basic plan, they are partnering with Included Health to provide member services, including answering inquiries, guiding members to the most appropriate in-network and high-quality providers, and providing care coordination services for members, particularly those with complex health conditions. Included Health will also expand access to care through their supplemental virtual primary care and behavioral health care services. There are no changes to copays, coinsurance, or deductibles with the transition to Blue Shield of California. Contact Included Health at 1-855-633-4436 for assistance with finding providers or continuity of care.
Health Plan Expansions
- Blue Shield Trio will expand to Contra Costa county and select zip codes in Shasta county.
- Health Net Salud y Más will expand into Imperial county.
- Kaiser Permanente will expand into select zip codes of Monterey county.
- UnitedHealthcare Harmony will expand into Napa county and select zip codes in Contra Costa and Solano counties.
Health Plan Exit
- The Anthem Blue Cross Del Norte EPO plan will no longer be offered. Members that do not elect a health plan change will be automatically enrolled in Blue Shield Access+, effective January 1, 2025.
Health Benefit Design Changes
- Doula Benefit for all Pregnant and Postpartum Members - New benefit for all pregnant and postpartum Basic plan members to receive health education, advocacy, physical and emotional nonmedical support before, during and after pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth and abortions.
- Travel Benefit for Medically Necessary Care - Update to standardize travel and lodging coverage for eligible medically necessary services including, but not limited to abortion services, gender affirming care, complex surgeries, and cancer care that cannot be accessed within 50 miles from the member’s residence for all Basic and Medicare plan members, up to $5,000 per occurrence. This includes transportation, lodging and meals for the member and a companion (both parents/guardians when patient is under 18).
- For PORAC health plan only - Combine acupuncture and chiropractic visits to a 20-visit limit. Physical and occupational therapy have no visit limitations.
- Voluntary Life Insurance - Guarantee Issue
- New for 2025! The Standard Insurance Co. will allow eligible active members the opportunity to enroll in Voluntary Life insurance (up to $100,000 for self and/or spouse/registered domestic partners for up to $50,000) without proving Evidence of Insurability. If you currently have less than $100,000 of coverage or you are not currently enrolled, you can apply for this enhanced benefit.
- Note: Previously declined employees or spouses/registered domestic partners will need to provide satisfactory Evidence of Insurability for this enhanced benefit.
- Health Plan Rate Changes
Health Plan Costs for 2025
Please review the 2025 Health Rates Comparison Chart for specific 2025 employee premium costs.
Pursuant to California Government Code 22871, the CSU Employer Health Contribution Rates for 2025 have increased and are reflected below:
Coverage Level All Employees (Except R06) R06 Employees Employee Only $1,060 $1,065 Employee +1 $2,039 $2,049 Employee +2 or more $2,551 $2,571 Vision Plan Costs for 2025
Enrolled Employee and Eligible Dependents Basic Plan Premier Plan Employee Only $0 $5.06 Employee + One $0 $17.08 Employee + Family $0 $31.73 Campus Benefits Fair and Q&A Drop-in Sessions
In addition to the benefits information for Open Enrollment on this CSUMB Stateside Open Enrollment website and CalState Open Enrollment website once again this year, a virtual solution is available for our employees — providing additional access to benefits information. You are able to video or text chat with providers and your campus benefits team.
- Benefits Fair:
- You must Register to get access to the website, which also hosts the regional campus benefits fairs. Don’t delay!
- Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Campus Q&A Zoom Drop-in Sessions:
- Join Zoom meeting here
- Sept. 18th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Sept. 24th from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Oct. 4th from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Oct. 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Oct. 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
In-Person Q&A Drop-in Session with Kaiser Permanente & Blue Shield of CA
Friday, Sept. 20 | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00pm | Alumni & Visitor's Center (AVC) Main Room
- Benefits Fair:
Looking for Benefit Providers or Detailed Plan Information?
Please review our Benefits Contact Information webpage for a quick listing of our benefit providers (medical, dental, vision etc.) and their websites to easily look up the available benefit providers in your area. You may also review the benefit plan's Evidence of Coverage (EOC) document for full plan description of covered services and exclusions.Making Additions/Changes/Deletions to Your Benefits
If you wish to make any benefit plan changes or add/delete dependents, please complete the appropriate form(s) listed below or from the Related Documents & Forms section of this page, and return them to Human Resources-Benefits via email (, Fax (831-582-3572), or hand-deliver to Tide Hall (bldg 23) locked mailbox.
- Use the CalPERS Health Plan Search by Zip Code found on the CalPERS website to help you identify what health plans you are eligible to enroll in, or view the CalPERS 2024 Health Plan Summary booklet.
- 2025 Open Enrollment Worksheet- for any Health, Dental, and FlexCash enrollments or changes.
- Dental Plan Enrollment Authorization Form- use for any Dental plan additions, changes, cancellations or dependent additions or deletions.
- FlexCash Enrollment Form - if you have non-CSU employer group health or dental coverage and wish to enroll in FlexCash (if changing from a CSU health and/or dental plan), you must also fill out the Open Enrollment Worksheet and Dental Enrollment form (if applicable) to terminate your enrollment before you can enroll in the FlexCash program.
- VSP Premier Plan Enrollment - MUST contact VSP directly to enroll, change, or cancel coverage by either using the VSP website or by calling them at 1-800-400-4569. No VSP hard copy enrollment forms will be processed.
- Legal Assistance Plan - Visit the ARAG for any ARAG cancellations or enrollments. You may also contact them at (800) 247-4184 if you have any questions.
- Pet Insurance - Visit the Nationwide website for any Pet Insurance cancellations or enrollments.
- Life Insurance, Accident, Critical Illness Insurance - Visit The Standard Insurance Co. or any Accident Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, and Life Insurance changes, cancellations, or enrollments.
- Auto & Home Insurance - Visit the California Casualty website for information about auto, home, or renters insurance enrollment.
HCRA / DCRA - Health Care / Dependent Care Reimbursement Account - 2025 Enrollments
To enroll or re-enroll in the Health Care and/or Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts for 2025, please complete the following enrollment form(s):
- 2025 DCRA-HCRA Enrollment Form - participation in these plans must be renewed annually during Open Enrollment.
Turn your forms in early to Human Resources to ensure your changes are received before the Open Enrollment deadline of October 11, 2024. Forms may be returned to Human Resources using one of the following methods:
- Drop off forms to the Tide Hall (bldg. 23) locked mailbox on the outside of the building
- Email to
- Send through Adobe Sign - to
- Fax to (831) 582-3572
Submit forms as early as possible, but no later than October 11, 2024.
Have Questions?
Please review the 2024 OE Frequently Asked Questions for quick answers to your questions. You may also attend one of the virtual or in-person Q&A sessions listed below.
Campus Q&A Zoom Drop-in Sessions:
- Join Zoom meeting here
- Sept. 18th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Sept. 24th from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Oct. 4th from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Oct. 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Oct. 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
In-Person Q&A Drop-in Session with Kaiser Permanente and Blue Shield of CA
Friday, Sept. 20 | 11:00 a.m. - 1:00pm | Alumni & Visitor's Center (AVC) Main Room
Update Beneficiary Information
Open Enrollment is also a great time to update your beneficiary information for the following benefit plans (Beneficiary forms are located on the Benefit forms webpage):
- CalPERS Retirement
- The Standard Insurance Co.
- Supplemental Retirement Plans (401(k), 457, 403(b) plans);
- 403(b) Plan (CSU-sponsored)
- 401(k) & 457 Plans (administered by Savings Plus Program)
- Final Pay Warrant - Submit to Human Resources