Human Resources

Managers (MPPs)

Additional Employment & Special Consultants

Information and forms related to special consultants & additional employment for staff and faculty


Highlights of CSU Monterey Bay's employee benefits


Information on how jobs are classified, forms related to position review, and job descriptions


Information on compensation system and guidelines in the CSU

Disability Accommodation

How employees and job seekers can request accommodations

Employee Development

Employee Relations

Employee Relations helps staff and supervisors develop and maintain positive, respectful and harmonious working relationships and comply with collective bargaining agreements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to the most common questions received by the Human Resources Office.

MPP Outside Employment Disclosure

FAQs, policy, and form

Name and Contact Information

How to change your legal or preferred name

Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluation process and timeline

Probationary Period

New probationary staff employees must successfully complete a probationary period of service before permanent status may be granted.


Reconsideration of personnel actions for non-represented employees

Recruitment and Staffing

To fill short-term staffing needs without a full recruitment search

Your Rights & Responsibilities

Explanation of conflict of interest, link to CSU conflict of interest handbook

Supervisor on-boarding checklist

On-boarding checklist for new employees which provides tasks and timeline for completion