Form 700 Annual Filing
PLEASE NOTE: This page applies ONLY to those individuals who have received an email from CSUMB University Personnel informing of the responsibility to file an annual Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700).
Annual Filing for CY 2019 is due on April 1, 2020.
Step 1: FIND your Conflict of Interest Disclosure Category
- Your Disclosure Category(ies) specifies the types of personal economic interests that must be disclosed.
- Download the Designated Position - Disclosure Categories List (below) and locate either your Job Title or designated function (i.e. ProCard Holder, ProCard Authorizing Official) - the number(s) denotes your Disclosure Category.
Step 2: DETERMINE what you are required to disclose
Find the description of your Disclosure Category here:
Step 3: READ the Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 Instructions and Reference Materials (below)
These explain:
- Which schedules to complete
- How to complete each schedule
- What you are and are not required to report
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Step 4: COMPLETE your Form 700 Cover Sheet and any applicable Schedules.
- On the Cover Sheet - Please complete yellow highlighted sections. (some information has been pre-filled for your convenience.)
- Please be careful to complete ALL required information on applicable schedules.
- You only need to print, sign and submit the Form 700 Cover Sheet and any Schedules that apply to you. You do not need to submit all the instructions. (i.e. in your Print window, choose 'Pages to Print' and enter the applicable pages)
- Hint - The Cover Sheet is located on page 6.
Step 5: REFER ANY QUESTIONS about your required disclosures to the FPPC (Fair Political Practices Commission):
1-866-ASK-FPPC (1-866-275-3772)
Monday through Thursday
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Step 6: REVIEW
- In Section 4 – Schedule Summary, check the all the schedules included or check “None” and enter the total number of pages being submitted.
- Caution: Once the Form 700 is date stamped in University Personnel, no changes can be made to the document(s) - any missing information can only be corrected by completing an amended Form 700. Therefore, please review your forms carefully for completeness
Step 7: SIGN and RETURN by Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
- Sign and Date your Form 700 Cover Sheet and attach schedules
- HINT: Save a copy of what you submit - it will make completing next year's form MUCH easier!
- Return your original, wet-signature hard-copy completed Form 700 no later than Wednesday, APRIL 1, 2020 to:
University Personnel
Tide Hall (Bldg 23)