Salary is determined by taking faculty member’s full-time monthly salary and multiply it by 1.15.
Example: Faculty member’s academic year full-time monthly salary is $6,000. Conversion to 12 month salary is $6,900 ($6,000 multiplied by 1.15 = $6,900).
Faculty member is usually appointed to a 12 month position in the Summer before the beginning of the next Academic Year. Faculty member will receive two paychecks in this case.
Example: If faculty member is appointed to a 12 month position as of August 1, or before the beginning of the Academic year, then the faculty member will receive a lump sum pay out for the AY appointment and also receive a paycheck for the 12 month appointment at the end of the month.
Vacation is accrued at 16 hours each month in a 12 month position. Must work 11 days in pay period to accrue vacation.
Conversion of 12 Month to Academic Year Position
Salary is determined by taking faculty member’s full-time monthly salary and dividing by 1.15.
Example: Faculty member’s 12 month full-time monthly salary is $6,900. Conversion to an academic year salary is $6,000 ($6,900 divided by 1.15 = $6,000).
At the end of 12 month appointment, when faculty member converts back to Academic Year position, pay and benefits may be affected.
Example 1: The 12 month appointment ends June 30th. There will not be a paycheck for the months of July and August. Benefits would not be covered for the months of August and September. First paycheck for the Academic Year appointment will be September pay period (usually paid September 30 or October 1) and benefits will be effective October 1. Please contact benefits department to arrange for direct payment of health benefits premiums during this period.
Example 2: The 12 month appointment ends August 15th. Paycheck will be prorated for the month of August and benefits will continue without disruption.
Example 3: The 12 month appointment ends January 5th. Paycheck will be prorated for the month of January. Appointment to the AY position will start at the beginning of the Spring semester. Faculty benefits will resume effective March 1st. The last paycheck for the spring semester will be issued at the end of the July pay period (usually paid on July 31 or August 1). There will be no paycheck due for the August pay period and as a result there will a break in benefits for the month of September. The first paycheck for the Fall semester will be paid at the end of the September pay period and benefits will resume October 1. Please contact benefits department to arrange for direct payment of health benefits premiums for the month of September.
Unused vacation balance will be paid out. Unused sick leave balances will be retained.
In order to maintain benefit coverage for the following month, the employee must work enough days in the current month to pay their portion of the coverage.
Example: An appointment ending July 1 may not have a sufficient number of days to provide benefit coverage through the end of August whereas an end date of July 3 may provide coverage. Please coordinate with Academic Personnel
Higher salary during the 12 month position may count as the basis for calculating retirement allowance benefits, when applying for service retirement.