Human Resources

Conflict of Interest

Employees are not to engage in any activity that is inconsistent with or in conflict with their duties. Examples of such activity would be using university influence or resources for private gain; divulging confidential information to unauthorized sources; or accepting a gratuity from anyone seeking to do business with the university. Employees should consult with their department administrator prior to engaging in any activity which may conceivably result in a conflict of interest violation.

According to Conflict of Interest provisions, public officials may not make, participate in making, or in any way use or attempt to use their official positions to influence a governmental decision in which they know or have reason to know they have a disqualifying conflict of interest. University employees shall not vote, make recommendations, or in any way participate in personnel or financial decisions if such participation constitutes a conflict of interest. Annual disclosure statements are required upon appointment to certain designated positions and are updated annually. Additional information can be found on the CSU Conflict of Interest Policies and Programs website and in the Conflict of Interest Handbook.

MPP Outside employment disclosure

FAQs, policy, and form

Gifts to Agency

Explanation and examples of how to complete forms 801 and 802