Human Resources

Faculty, Including Coaches, Counselor, and Librarians

Information for all employees represented by Unit 3 (CFA).

Welcome New Faculty

Academic Personnel Calendars

Academic personnel calendar and academic workdays calendar

Additional Employment & Special Consultants

Information and forms related to special consultants & additional employment for staff and faculty


Highlights of CSU Monterey Bay's employee benefits

Counselors & librarians

Information specific to counselors & librarians

COVID 19 CFA-CSU MOU (December 9, 2020)

Links to COVID-19 Employee Information & Forms page with Memo

COVID 19 CFA-CSU MOU (October 26, 2020)

Links to COVID-19 Employee Information & Forms page with Memo

COVID 19 Extension of RTP Clock for Probationary Faculty (Revised) (August 25, 2020)

Links to COVID-19 Employee Information & Forms page with Email

COVID 19 Extension of RTP Clock for Probationary Faculty (April 7, 2020)

Links to COVID-19 Employee Information & Forms page with Email

Department chairs

Resources for department chairs

Disability accommodation

How employees and job seekers can request accommodations

Employee forms

Forms for employees

Faculty early retirement program

Program details in the CBA, forms and calculator

Faculty recruitment and staffing

Resources for department chairs associated with faculty recruitment and appointments

Faculty return to in person office work 

College deans must complete this form for all faculty who need building access before Aug. 2, 2021. 

Faculty resources

Links to other resources commonly used by faculty.

Faculty salary

Faculty salary information

Faculty unit leaves

Lecturers & coaches

Resources for lecturers and coaches


CSUMB adheres to the CSU Nepotism policy

New faculty

Information and forms for new faculty members

Outside employment and research policies

A list of resources regarding outside employment and external research

Policy on faculty emeritus/a status

Eligibility criteria for emeritus/a status and the rights and privileges associated with such status

Retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP)

Procedures, timelines and policies surrounding RTP

Tenure and tenure-track forms and policies

Forms and documents that apply to tenure track faculty.

Your rights & responsibilities

Notices and policies all university employees should be aware of