Guardian Scholars


Alliance for Children's Rights

The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth. Since 1992, they have served 125,000 children, providing them with permanency through adoption and legal guardianship, access to healthcare and an equitable education. Check out the Know Before You Go Extended Foster Care Toolkit to support you as you age out of Foster care.

California College Pathways

California College Pathways provides a wide range of resources for foster youth - everything from planning for college to finding housing to getting the support you need to graduate.

California Youth Connection

An organization of current and former foster youth who work on foster youth issues, strive to improve the foster care system, and educate the public and policy makers.

The Monterey Chapter meets every month on the first and third Friday from 5:00pm-6:30pm. For more information contact Sharon Gold (831) 796-1533

Foster Club

Foster Club serves as a primary communication tool for young people. Built on a dynamic social network platform it provides a means for young people to connect in a safe, monitored environment. The website also serves as a hub of information relating to foster care, including articles, q+a, message & discussion boards and contests. Foster Club also provides trainings and leadership development opportunities for youth throughout the country. It’s the resource that's available to youth 24/7!

Foster Ed Connect

A good website for resources, news and events. You must create a free account to access information.


A partnership with Microsoft and Lifespan to provide low cost, refurbished computers to the iFoster community.

SAM's guide

This updated resource guide includes information on 35 topics or areas of service. Included are resources for food, housing, drug counseling, disabilities, health care, services for the homeless, parent education,child development, domestic violence, recreation programs, senior services, teen services, and transportation, to name a few. More than 350agencies and programs are listed in the guide. This is an excellent resource for nurses, social workers, counselors,teachers, community liaison workers and all others who provide counseling on health and social services to families in Monterey County, California. The guide may be downloaded at no cost.

Silicon Valley Children's Fund

The Silicon Valley Children’s Fund works to advance the interests of foster children. We partner with educational institutions, community-based organizations, and public agencies to build our joint institutional capacity and deliver services that transform our youth into successful and self-sustaining adults.