Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Who We Are

Teaching, Learning & Assessment | California State University Monterey Bay

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (TLA) operates under Academic Affairs as the home for faculty professional development and support, campus-wide assessment, and campus collaboration and partnerships.

Mission: Help CSUMB educators* better facilitate curricular and co-curricular learning to achieve student and faculty success

*CSUMB educators include faculty, student affairs professionals, staff, students, and community partners.

Vision, values, core goals, and strategies

Newsletter Archive


National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)

We are pleased to announce that the Provost office renewed the institution's membership for the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). The NCFDD is a nationally recognized, independent organization that provides online career development, and mentoring resources for all faculty and graduate students. This institutional membership offers relevant professional development training, support from highly trained and successful mentors, a confidential “safe space” for problem-solving, and downloadable formats for self-paced learning. 

Sign up for your free account today to access a wealth of online faculty professional development resources, videos, articles, weekly reminders, and writing challenges. 

To claim your faculty free Institutional Membership, complete the following steps:

  • 1) Go to: http://www.facultydiversity.org/join
  • 2) Choose your institution from the drop-down menu.
  • 3) Select “Activate my Membership”
  • 4) Complete the registration form using your institutional email address (i.e. @csumb.edu)
  • 5) Go to your CSUMB email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.

Interested in opportunities for peer observation in your In-Person or Zoom Classroom?

Would you like to have a friendly colleague visit your In-Person or Zoom classroom (or watch a recording) as a thought partner, someone to offer support, and consider with you ways to increase student interactions and other goals you have? TLA is very happy to partner with you to offer real-time collaboration. If you are interested, contact tla@csumb.edu or rkersnar@csumb.edu.

Support for Reading/Writing/Metacognition:


General Teaching and Reading Apprenticeship consultation:

Rebecca Kersnar by appointment: send email to rkersnar@csumb.edu to set up Zoom or phone consultation.

Resources & Events

  • Syllabus guidelines: Recommended statements for your syllabus and other suggestions.
  • Assignment guides and rubrics: Use these resources to improve the effectiveness and transparency of your assignments and grading rubrics to better foster students’ intellectual skills (critical thinking, information literacy, quantitative reasoning, written communication, and oral communication).
  • Mindfulness: CSUMB mindfulness events and resources for fostering well-being, connection, and learning.
  • Center for Academic Technologies (CAT): Support and professional development opportunities for using CSUMB’s academic technologies ecosystem to better facilitate student learning.
  • Resource page for new (and not-so-new) faculty: A refresher and updates for new and not-so-new faculty.
  • Holistic Alignment: Learn about CSUMB’s efforts to increase holistic alignment and better facilitate student learning.
  • Social Justice Dialogues: This program enables students, faculty, and staff to share knowledge in a safe space regardless of rank and contribute as equals in ways that everyone’s ideas, thoughts, and contributions are respected. Spring events will be posted soon.
  • National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD): NCFDD is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for faculty and grad students dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. CSUMB's Institutional membership provides relevant professional development training, support from highly trained and successful mentors, a confidential “safe space” for problem-solving, and downloadable formats for self-paced learning.
  • 10 Principles of Welcoming Diversity Workshop: Schedule a workshop for yourself and your students! NCBI provides an ongoing mechanism for staff, faculty, and students to provide an institutional response to racism and other forms of oppression. CSUMB has been a Campus Affiliate of NCBI since 1998, supporting the improvement of our campus climate so all students feel a sense of belonging, value, and welcome to our campus.