California State University Monterey Bay Promise
"Through In Two" and "Finish In Four"
The "Through In Two" and "Finish In Four" are pledge programs established through California Senate Bill 412 to facilitate graduation in four years for freshmen, and two years for transfer students who have completed an Associate Degree for Transfer. Students who commit to this program by taking at least 30 units a year will be supported and rewarded by priority registration, graduating in four years (or two, as an ADT Transfer).

What qualifications are needed for Freshmen to be in the program?
- Must pursue a CA Promise eligible major at CSUMB: Business Administration, Cinematic Arts and Technology, Collaborative Health & Human Services, Human Development & Family Studies, Kinesiology, Psychology, and Sustainable Hospitality Management
- Be a California Resident for tuition purposes
- Attend on-campus orientation before the start of the first semester of attendance
- Must be one of the following:
- A low-income student
- A first-generation college student
- A student who is a graduate of a high school located in a community that is underrepresented in college attendance
What qualifications are needed for Transfer students to be in the program?
- Complete an Associates Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) from a California community college and enroll in a matching major (and concentration, if applicable) at CSUMB
- Be a California resident for tuition purposes
- Attend on-campus orientation before the start of the first semester of attendance
How to stay in the program?
- Make an appointment with your advisor to create an educational plan by the posted deadline (typically about two weeks after the semester begins, but it is best to meet BEFORE the semester starts.
- Sign the CA Promise Pledge during your Advising appointment.
- You can make the appointment via the Advising Portal on your CSUMB dashboard, or refer to https://csumb.edu/advising/how-advising-works-csumb/.
- Successfully complete 30 of the required units for your degree per year to ensure meeting the minimum graduation requirements appropriate to the major
- Remain in the same degree program you selected when entering CSUMB
- Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in all academic work (Some majors may require higher grades for specified coursework)
- Each semester:
- Meet with the designated academic advisor for your major by the posted deadline and reach agreement with the advisor on the appropriate course of study
- Enroll in required courses according to the approved plan when they are offered and/or available
- Use the priority registration system and pay fees by the deadline
- Comply with all CSUMB administrative, judicial, and academic policies and procedures
- If eligible for financial aid, meet the annual financial aid application deadlines to receive financial aid
- For transfer students only: your major and concentration at CSUMB must match your AA-T/AS-T
Ready to sign the CA Promise Pledge?
Click here to sign the CA Promise pledge form. The link will work only if you are logged into your CSUMB account.
What if I am not accepted or have been removed from the program?
You will still be a student at CSUMB and can register for classes but without a priority registration.
Note: Once you have been removed from the program, you will be notified via email
Calendar for Spring 2025 New Students
ASAP: Schedule a CA Promise advising appointment with your advisor by this date (Academic Advisors are usually booked about two weeks in advance)
February 11th, 2025: Deadline to meet with your advisor and sign the pledge.
Transfer students | February 11th, 2025: Submit a transcript verifying the Associate for Transfer degree (AD-T) completion that matches your CSUMB major and concentration. The final transcript submitted for Admissions might not include your AD-T degree, so please check with your advisor!!!
Contact us at (831) 582-3937 or e-mail us at academic_advisor@csumb.edu.