
Student Public Art Policy

1.00 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish the authority, criteria and protocol for the temporary display of student-initiated art in public spaces on campus.

This policy is intended to reflect the University's commitment to the principles, goals, and ideals described in the CSUMB Vision Statement and to its core values.

2.00 Scope

The Policy on Student Public Art covers student art that is produced through sanctioned courses at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) or under the auspices of a CSUMB faculty member. The policy addresses the location, installation, and duration of the display in public spaces on campus.

Issues of content, genre, and media are not included in this policy as they are considered the faculty’s purview in the context of academic freedom.

3.00 Definitions

CSUMB Campus: Any buildings, grounds, or property that is owned, operated, or leased by CSU Monterey Bay, the University Corporation at Monterey Bay, or the Foundation of CSU Monterey Bay.

Designated Art Space: Designated art space, in this policy, is CSUMB campus space that has been designated to a Department for its utilization and management. The Department will determine what may be displayed and the duration of the display in this space.

Public Art: Public art is any work of art or design that is created by a student- artist specifically to be sited in a public space.

In reflecting the values of CSUMB, public art that emphasizes community involvement and collaboration is significant. Public art that brings awareness, questions our assumptions, transforms the landscape, expresses cultural and academic knowledge or community values helps define the unique character of CSUMB. Public art can act as a unifying force in establishing open spaces, gathering areas for student activities, connecting aspects of the physical landscape, and sustaining the aesthetic and design elements of our campus by inclusion. Public art can animate the learning environment for students and can be in a variety of forms such as two-dimensional, three dimensional, and digital.

Public Space: Public space on the CSUMB campus is defined in two ways: first, as the exterior of any structure or open space that is visible or accessible from a public right-of-way. These include but are not limited to sidewalks, plazas, buildings, parking areas, and sports and recreational facilities. Second, public space is classified as interior public space.

Temporary Displays of Public Art: Temporary, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as a maximum of one month after installation of the art work or until the end of the semester/term in which the artwork was displayed, whichever is longer.

4.00 Department or Course Review

Student art that is part of the academic curriculum is guided and protected by principles of academic freedom. Student artwork that is intended to be displayed in a public space for a course or Capstone project must be reviewed. The faculty assigned to the course or the Department, shall apply its standard review processes to determine the artwork’s merit and appropriateness for display.

4.10 Submission Process

If the faculty or Department approves the student’s project for display in a public space, the student shall submit the information listed in section 4.20 of this policy to the Student Art Committee (see section 5.00) for review. The purpose of the Committee’s review is to determine the feasibility of the display in regard to location, cost, installation, and removal. The Student Art Committee Chair will send a call for proposals to all students each fall and spring semester that identifies timelines for submission of projects for review by the Student Art Committee.

4.20 Proposals for the Display of Class or Capstone Art

Students wanting their art displayed in a public space will submit to the Student Art Committee a proposal that includes the following information:

  1. Project description/scope of work and paragraph stating the benefits and impacts the project will have on the community and mission of the University (drawings, photographs)
  2. Project contacts (student and faculty sponsor’s name, title, dept, phone, etc.)
  3. Project timeline (installation dates required, etc.)
  4. Project supervision protocols
  5. Required scaffolding, attachments, or mounting for the space or buildings for installation
  6. Proposed project site location (on scaled campus maps) and any alternate sites in addition to sketches of artwork or photomontage of artwork in the proposed space
  7. Project budget and funding that has been acquired, or committed, to the project. The student is the primary party responsible for all project costs; the department in which the course was offered is the secondary party. For murals, address the cost to maintain the mural and repair and/or replace wall finish when mural is removed.
  8. Identify any proposed cost to the University (liability, security, etc.).
  9. Special requirements (ADA, construction, inspection, engineering, lighting)
  10. Identify and address project safety concerns
  11. Duration of display (maximum of one month after installation or until the end of the semester of installation, whichever is longer). Students may request an extension to display their work through the Student Art Committee.
  12. Include a signed statement that indemnifies the University against vandalism, theft or other damage to the artwork.

5.00 Student Art Committee Review

5.10 Role of the Student Art Committee

The Student Art Committee shall review all student public art works proposed for temporary installation in public spaces on campus. In the case of artworks that do not require special installation or maintenance (paintings, prints, small sculptures, etc.), the Student Art Committee will conduct this review or designate a subcommittee for this purpose. In the case of more complex artworks under consideration for temporary installation in public spaces on campus, supplementary review processes will be used as follows:

The Student Art Committee shall consider the following as a basis for their decision:

  • Appropriateness of the project for the site and university setting;
  • Installation requirements;
  • Maintenance requirements;
  • Input of the current occupants of the proposed building, those in nearby sites or users of a proposed site;
  • Durability and non-hazardous nature of the materials; and,
  • Input from campus risk management.

The Student Art Committee will have final approval authority for the installation request.

5.20 Composition of the Student Art Committee

The Student Art Committee shall be comprised of the following participants:

  • Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Chair);
  • Faculty member of the Visual and Public Art Department;
  • Director of Campus Planning and Development, or designee;
  • Director of Library Services, or designee;
  • Dean of Students;
  • A student representative appointed by the Associated Students; and,
  • Additional members from affected colleges, departments, or areas may be appointed as necessary by the Chair in consultation with the appropriate administrator.

6.00 Designated Campus Sites for Student Public Art

The President or designee may designate art spaces on campus where the Departments may display student art without prior review and approval by the Student Art Committee. For designated spaces for art, students should contact the Department allocated the designated art space.

7.00 Duration of Displays of Student Public Art

Displays of student public art that are subject to this policy are temporary. The duration of display shall be a maximum of one month after installation or until the end of the semester of installation, whichever is longer. Students may request an extension to display their work through the Student Art Committee.

The student art displayed in designated spaces by a Department in 6.00 of the policy may remain as long as determined by the Department or until the area or building is demolished or reconfigured for other purposes.

8.00 Removal of Student Public Art

All student public art that is subject to this policy shall be removed within 10 calendar days from the date defined in 7.00 of this policy. The student is the primary party responsible for arranging the removal of the display and will work with the building occupants or manager of the site regarding its removal and repairs to display area and surfaces. The department in which the course was offered is the secondary party with responsibility to remove the student public art, if the student fails to do so within the noted time frame.

9.00 Intellectual Property

Students retain intellectual property rights for their public art, even if their artwork was created for a class assignment. The University may not use student artwork, in any form, without the express written permission of the creator, whether or not that person is still a student.

10.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be reviewed ten years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness. This policy may be renewed before that time as necessary.

s/President Eduardo M. Ochoa

Effective Date: September 1, 2016

Certification of Process

Reviewed by: Policy Facilitation Team, Academic Affairs Council, Administration & Finance, Enrollment Services & Student Affairs Leadership Team, Associated Students, EPPC, Academic Senate, and Provost.