
Policy on the Development, Coordination, and Approval of Policy

1.00 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define the policy development, approval, and dissemination process.

This policy is deemed to be consistent with the University's commitment to the principles, goals, and ideals described in the California State University, Monterey Bay Founding Vision  and to its core values.

2.00 Definition

Policy is defined as a high-level governing framework establishing the general goals and acceptable procedures of the institution; a statement that guides behavior and sets general parameters related to how business is conducted. Policy is not intended to communicate operating procedures unless legally required.

3.00 Authority

Authority for policy approval is vested in the President. The President may delegate authority-governing approval of policy that is related to a specific area of responsibility to a Vice President. Delegation of such authority is made in writing and communicated to all members of the President's Cabinet. Only those policies signed by the President and/or delegated representative carry the force and effect of official CSUMB policy.

4.00 New Policy Development

Facilitating the development of new policies is delegated by the President to the Policy Facilitation Team (PFT) and shall be led by the Associate Provost for Academic Planning & Institutional Effectiveness (APIE).  The PFT is comprised policy coordinators selected from within the President's and each Vice Presidents' offices to review policy proposals in order to ensure overall clarity and consistency of CSUMB policy, appropriate alignment across divisions, and standardization of format. The PFT shall determine appropriate entities for comments and recommended changes for each policy. New policies may originate from any division on campus and shall be brought through the divisional representative to the PFT for consideration and completion or rejection.

One representative from Associated Students and one representative from Academic Senate shall be included on the Policy Facilitation Team in an advisory capacity[1].

University Human Resources shall consult with the Office of the Chancellor and take appropriate action regarding union notification on policies that impact conditions of employment.

The Provost or designee shall coordinate review of policy as appropriate with the Academic Senate and Assembly. The Associate Provost for APIE shall provide reports, as necessary and/or when requested to the President and Vice Presidents.

4.10 Policy Format

The required policy format shall be used to record and memorialize CSUMB policy.  A template of the format can be found on the policy website.

5.00 Policy Evaluation

All policies shall have a section titled Continuous Renewal that states the amount of time until the next evaluation of the policy. The effective date of the policy is the date that the President or designee signs the policy.  Signed policies shall have a duration of ten years; policies may be reviewed earlier, as needed.  All policies shall remain in effect until otherwise renewed or sunsetted.

5.10 Policies Up for Review

In the year prior to the designated evaluation date, the Policy Facilitation Team shall consult the appropriate unit(s) to determine the appropriate next steps.  Existing policies may be renewed without change, renewed with non-substantive updates, substantively revised, or sunsetted.

New policies and existing policies that are substantively revised shall be vetted through the appropriate academic and administrative units as determined by the PFT as per the PFT's development, review, and approval process.

6.00 Certification of Process

The final section of all CSUMB policies shall be titled Certification of Process and shall identify the vetting order for the policy, as determined by the PFT.  When applicable, policies shall be reviewed first through all appropriate administrative units followed by the academic units. All units shall respond with comments or recommended changes within sixty (60) days of receiving a policy for vetting. If there is no response, the policy shall be deemed to be accepted by that entity.

7.00 Access to Policy

Official CSUMB policy shall be made available to the campus community electronically on CSUMB's Policy website. The Policy Facilitation Team shall coordinate an electronic mail announcement to the campus community once a policy is approved or renewed. Signed policies shall be archived in the Office of the Provost.

8.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be reviewed ten years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness. This policy may be reviewed before that time as necessary.

s/President Vanya Quiñones

Effective Date: July 18, 2024

Certification of Process

Reviewed by: Policy Facilitation Team, Academic Senate, Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, Administration and Finance, University Corporation, University Advancement, President's Office, and Associated Students.

[1] https://calstate.policystat.com/policy/8677697/latest/ 

Download a signed .pdf copy of this policy here