Dina Wirick says it's important to know when to build or let go of a relationship.
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Dina Wirick says it's important to know when to build or let go of a relationship.
Distinguished lecturer Jeffrey Froshman teaches the 10/20/70 strategy.
The new streamlined collaborative program allows students to obtain a bachelor's in nursing in just 2 1/2 years.
Some are addressing the problem in less obvious ways.
Gruwell discussed her ongoing work to inspire young people through writing.
CSUMB was one of four universities sending two teams to the compeititon.
The support program for students will be closed during winter break, Dec. 21 - Jan. 12
The fall season for Cal State Monterey athletics saw program-bests, records fall and numerous honors bestowed to Otter student-athletes.
Erin Gruwell will discuss motivating students through writing.
The show features work by 15 student artists.