
Save electricity over winter break by unplugging electronic devices

December 12, 2023

Emailed on Dec. 8, 2023

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As we head into the holidays, I want to remind everyone that we can save energy over the winter break by turning off and unplugging our devices while we are out of the office.

Vampire electrical loads come from devices that use electricity even when they are turned off or not in use. These loads can approach 10% of the average household's electric use, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Before leaving for the upcoming holiday break, please remember to go through your office and unplug electrical equipment. It may be helpful to designate one person to do this task in each office area.

Please review the following list to determine what could be unplugged:

Copy/fax/scan machines 
Space heaters
Electric hole punches
Personal printers
Power strips
Laminating machines

Equipment to remain plugged in and stay on:
Classroom computers
Refrigerators and freezers
Any research-associated equipment
Critical IT networking equipment
Public safety or emergency notification equipment

Happy Holidays!

Glen Nelson
Vice President of Administration and Finance
Chief Financial Officer
California State University, Monterey Bay