Wellness RAFT

Welcome to CSUMB’s Wellness Raft! All Otters must be healthy and well to thrive - together we can achieve that through eight dimensions of wellness. We are excited to advocate and support existing wellness services while also bringing you new programs! 

Together we’ll make the Wellness Raft stronger. We hope you'll take advantage of the resources and events below designed to support your wellbeing.

Find Wellness Events

Wellness Raft text next to otter graphic

Check out the many wellness-related activities and programs on campus.

On campus wellness opportunities for faculty, staff, and administration.

The Monterey Peninsula is home to a wide-range of organizations, programs, and services to help keep you well.

Weekly Highlight

Mental Health Awareness Month may be wrapping up, but a new American Medical Association study shows just how powerful fitness is for children and adolescents. Of nearly 2 million participants, those with higher fitness levels had lower rates of anxiety, depression and ADHD. The authors conclude that physical fitness programs hold “significant potential as primary preventive interventions against mental disorders in children and adolescents.”

Featured Links

Event: Office Hours with the Cabinet - 10-11 a.m. Thursdays, Administration Building 1. Chief of Staff Hayley Azevedo and CIO Tara Hughes on June 6.
Program: Employee Affinity Groups - faculty and staff linked by a common purpose, ideology or interest.

Tip of the Week

Follow @csumb_wellnessraft on Instagram for wellness content at your fingertips!

Contact Wellness RAFT 

Phone: 831-582-3963

Email: lleininger@csumb.edu
