College of Science

MSCI Associate Professor Publishes Review in Current Landscape Ecology Reports

August 6, 2019

Dr. Corey Garza, Associate Professor of Marine Science (MSCI), recently published a review paper describing the use of drones and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in rocky intertidal research.

“Landscape Ecology in the Rocky Intertidal: Opportunities for Advancing Discovery and Innovation in Intertidal Research” was just released in the June issue of Current Landscape Ecology Reports.

The rocky intertidal is an ideal environment for conducting ecological research, due to its accessibility and the presence of immobile species. Intertidal areas are often used to monitor the structure and health of coastal systems. Although this area is highly researched, low-tech sampling methods limit the capacity to collect data across the entire ecosystem. To address this limitation, Dr. Corey Garza reviewed the development of landscape-based research in rocky intertidal communities.

"The technologies reviewed in this paper have the capacity to change how we conduct research in the rocky intertidal and what we learn about this particular coastal ecosystem.” - Dr. Corey Garza

To read more about his review, check out the abstract.