To enroll, update your account information or withdraw from eREFUNDS (Direct Deposit), follow these simple steps:

Step 3

Navigation: Main Menu > Self-service > Student Center > Finances > Enroll in Direct Deposit.

Step 3 Enroll in Direct Deposit

Step 1

On the Enroll in Direct Deposit page select Account Type (Checking or Savings), type in Routing Number, Account Number, Confirm Account Number, put a check mark next to "I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above Terms and Conditions." and click SUBMIT.

Step 1 Account Info

Step 2

On the Direct Deposit Confirmation page click OK to confirm that you are enrolling in Direct Deposit with the information displayed on the page.

Step 2 Confirmation

Step 3

The message will change to "Congratulations you are now enrolled in Direct Deposit with the following account information:". Click OK to return to the Student Center page.

Step 3 OK

Step 4

Any refund should be posted to your checking or savings account 24-48 hours after the bank receives the funds.