
Linking to Full Text via a OneSearch Record

Link to a single item

Search for the item (article, book, video, DVD, e-book, etc.) using OneSearch and select Articles or Books & Media (CSUMB) as the scope of your search.

Click on the title of the desired item in your search results. The full catalog record for each item will display an icon labeled "Permalink." Click the icon and copy and paste the link into your own web page.

If you want to link to an ebook, go to the full record as above and right-click on the link labeled "Full text available at" and copy the link location.

Keyword/Advanced Search Links

To create a link to a set of search results that match a specific keyword, search OneSearch by that keyword and select Books & Media (CSUMB) as the scope of your search. Apply any desired refinements to the search results using the options on the left of the results page, then copy the URL address from the browser and use it to create the durable link on your web page.

To create a link that will execute a more complex search, such as a list of books and videos on a given topic, construct your search using the OneSearch Advanced Search option. On the search results page, copy the URL address from the browser and use it to create the durable link on your web page.