Office of Inclusive Excellence

Employee Affinity Groups

Form a Group

The success of a new Employee Affinity Group most often depends on a small nucleus of dedicated and interested employees. It takes commitment from these individuals to ensure the group organizes itself in such a way as to guarantee continuity. Below are a few helpful criteria and suggestions for establishing your new Employee Affinity Group and to assure consistency with Employee Affinity Group program objectives:

  1. Contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence at to get started. 
  2. Establish a list of interested employees willing to volunteer to join your Employee Affinity Group.
  3. Identify your targeted members.
  4. Prepare a draft mission statement for your Employee Affinity Group as well as the goals of the group (once finalized, will be posted on OIE website and shared with all new employees). 
  5. Identify a date/location for the first meeting.
  6. The first meeting must be coordinated with and acknowledged by the Office of Inclusive Excellence.

Operating principles

  1. Members must be employed by CSUMB.
  2. The formation of the Employee Affinity Group must rely on volunteers, and efforts must stem from a grassroots nature and neither CSUMB nor members of the group may pressure any employee into joining.
  3. Membership in an Employee Affinity Group shall be entirely voluntary.
  4. The Employee Affinity Group must be operated exclusively for educational, civic, social and other charitable and non-profit purposes.
  5. The Employee Affinity Group should be organized to assist and support CSUMB’s mission by hosting activities such as the following:
    1. Recruitment events
    2. Community relations programs
    3. Promoting social and intellectual enrichment
    4. Networking opportunities
    5. Provide alternative educational and civic activities deemed to be advantageous to the membership of the Employee Affinity Group
  6. Enhance the public image and presence of CSUMB.
  7. Any programs sponsored by the Employee Affinity Group must be financially self-supporting

These Guidelines are intended to provide general information for employees interested in establishing an Employee Affinity Group and as a resource for any Employee Affinity Groups that currently exist. Please note that this is working, organic content, and is subject to change. If additional information is needed or you have subsequent questions, please contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence: (831) 582-3366, or