Office of Inclusive Excellence

Survey on Services to Students with Disabilities

From February 27, 2017 through March 27, 2017, the CSU Chancellor’s Office is conducting a system-wide survey with CSUMB regarding services to students with disabilities. The purpose of the survey is to learn about the experiences and quality of these services across the CSU campuses. These are voluntary and anonymous online surveys. The student survey takes approximately 13 minutes to complete; the faculty survey takes 4 minutes or less to complete.

Your feedback is important!

*Are you a CSUMB student with a disability who uses Student Disability Resources?

*Please complete the student survey at

*Faculty, please find your link in an email from

*Administrators please find your link in an email from VP Ronnie Higgs.

We hope you will encourage members of the campus community to provide feedback to help assess and to improve CSUMB's work. Consenting participants will be asked to indicate their campus, and will not be asked for names or other identifying information in the survey. The Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) will manage all survey and data collection activities for the CSU. If you have questions about this survey, please contact:

Margaret Keith, Manager

Student Disability Resources

Health & Wellness Services (Bldg 80)

CSU Monterey Bay, 100 Campus Center

Seaside CA 93955-8001
