Office of Inclusive Excellence

Honoring Diversity Within Asian Cultures

May 3, 2022

By Brian Corpening, Ph.D.

America is a nation of cultures, journeys, and stories. The rich diversity of cultures in America provides countless opportunities to learn and understand the remarkable journeys and stories of all who are integrally woven into the fabric of this country. While America is known for grouping different populations, there are no monolithic cultures for those populations. There is also not a monolithic Asian-Pacific Islander-Desi Affinity (APIDA) culture, just as there are no monolithic cultures for other population groupings. There are numerous rich and distinct cultures within what we consider APIDA, ready to educate and enlighten us all.

As members of a community, it should always be one of our primary goals to learn and understand all of the members of our greater community. Learning, understanding, and engaging other cultures and populations enrich us as individuals within the American and global community while helping to bridge the divides that constantly challenge us as citizens and as a community. To not engage in that process of enlightenment and understanding is to deprive ourselves of the opportunity to grow, make our community more robust, and live up to the higher idea of this country: e Pluribus Unum (out of many, one), which means everyone is valued and precious in our broader American community.

I salute my brothers and sisters who have contributed to this edition of Diverse Perspectives. Their presence, dedication, scholarship, and pride in their community enrich this university and all of us as individuals. Enjoy this edition of Diverse Perspectives.