Office of Inclusive Excellence

A New Era at CSUMB

April 17, 2023

Change has come to California State University Monterey Bay. Yes, it is true nothing stays the same, and we are in a new era at our university. The dawn of new leadership becomes a moment to reassess and determine how we, as individuals and collectively, can help the university, in support of its new leadership, move forward. This edition of Diverse Perspectives is focused on this new era we are in and what wishes and hopes we hold for the new leadership. 

One of my first jobs in higher education was at Hamilton College, which was founded in 1793. Hamilton is a college steeped in history and tradition and has its motto, "Know Thyself." Monterey Bay, quite a bit younger than Hamilton, has its vision (from our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan) to prepare "…thriving citizens dedicated to the public good." Both Hamilton and Monterey Bay express what they desire in their students when they leave and step out into the world as graduates. Understanding the transformative power of an educational institution doesn't take centuries of existence. Whether over two hundred or twenty-seven years, colleges and universities matter, and new leadership always has a similar impact and effect.    

There is a lot on our new President's plate, and she needs our insights, voice, and commitments of support to learn about our university and get off to a successful start. We should give President Quiñones our honest assessments and authentic voice as she goes through her first semester at CSUMB. We should also understand that this university does not succeed or fail because of one person, regardless of how much we expect of that person. Every one of us at Monterey Bay must commit to making this university better for all of us. When we make that commitment, we ensure that the President and all of us are successful. 

Brian Corpening
CSUMB AVP Inclusive Excellence