
  • The following individuals have been selected by WSCUC to review CSUMB's Re-Accreditation Report in what is called the "off-site review." It is expected that these same individuals will serve on the subsequent Site Visit Team.

    • Denise Konan, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Team Chair
    • Jeffrey Reeder, Chair of the Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures, Sonoma State University
    • Ysabel Trinidad, Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs, CSU Channel Islands
    • Clare Weber, Deputy Provost for Academic Programs, CSU San Bernadino
    • Cheryl Ney, Dean of the Charter College of Education, CSU Los Angeles
    • Mark Goor, WSCUC Vice President, Staff Liaison

    During the off-site review, the WSCUC Team will prepare lines of inquiry based on their reading and understanding of the CSUMB Re-Accreditation Report; these questions may be posed to President Quiñones during a conference call on the same day, and/or they may be submitted in writing to the campus. The campus is expected to respond to the lines of inquiry at least eight weeks prior to the site visit.

  • In Fall 2016, California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) will initiated the process of reaffirmation of accreditation through the regional accrediting body, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Members of the CSUMB WSCUC Steering Committee are asked to dedicate themselves to the best overall interests of the University, as we seek re-accreditation. Members' participation will reflect the full campus community, and should bring that broad perspective to bear on the process.

    The WSCUC Steering Committee is charged to promote an understanding and appreciation of the WSCUC re-accreditation process and its connection to our work as a learning-centered institution and to:

    • Participate in periodic meetings each semester to set timelines, task force compositions and assignments, milestones, and related planning and preparation goals and processes.
    • Create task forces and/or sub-committees to facilitate broad participation and engagement in the accreditation review process.
    • Analyze and interpret data related to the campus' self-study. Review self-study drafts and coordinate campus review and approval.
    • Identify and work with individuals who will draft selected sections of the self-study.
    • Use the self-study to identify areas of concern relative to WSCUC standards that should be addressed by the University.
    • Engage diverse voices in the reflection and analysis of information collected and reported to WSCUC.
    • Participate in campus preparations for both the Off-Site Review (fall 2018) and Accreditation Visit (spring 2019) including the campus' response to questions emerging from the Off-Site Review.
    • Communicate to all campus constituents information regarding accreditation activities and priorities throughout the entire reaffirmation cycle.
    Member Represented Area
    Fran Horvath, Co-Chair Assessment and ReAccreditation Advisory Committee
    Jacqui Grallo, Co-Chair Library; Assessment and ReAccreditation Advisory Committee
    Kris Roney Assessment and ReAccreditation Advisory Committee
    Dan Shapiro Assessment and ReAccreditation Advisory Committee
    Maddy Maurer
    Associated Students
    Andy Drummond
    College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
    Michael Scott College of Science
    Deanne Perez-Granados College of Education
    Alyssa Erickson College of Health Sciences and Human Services
    Swarup Wood Office of Undergraduate Studies
    Patrick Belanger General Education Committee
    Babita Gupta Budget and Resource Management Group
    Lisa Leininger Assessment Committee
    Angel Gonzalez
    Student Affairs and Academic Support Committee
    Andrew Lawson University Deans
    Jesus Clemente Student Affairs
    Sheila Hernandez Enrollment Services
    Frank Wojcik Library Services
    John Fitzgibbon Finance
    Brian Childs International Programs
  • The following sub-committees of the WSCUC Steering Committee are designed to focus on specific aspects of the Institutional Report. They include:

    Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of Degrees (Chapter 3)

    • Dan Shapiro
    • Kris Roney
    • Fran Horvath
    • Jacqui Grallo
    • John Fitzgibbon
    • Michael Scott
    • Suzy Worcester
    • DeeDee Perez-Granados
    • John Berteaux

    Educational Quality (Chapter 4)

    • Dan Shapiro, Sub-committee Chair
    • Swarup Wood
    • Jacqui Grallo
    • Ali Lynch
    • Alyssa Erickson
    • Sumadhur Shakya
    • Patrick Belanger
    • Frank Wojcik

    Student Success (Chapter 5)

    • Kris Roney, Sub-committee Chair
    • Ryne Leuzinger
    • Tami Pullins
    • Sharon Anderson
    • Brian Childs
    • Debian Marty
    • Casey McPherson
    • Jesus Clemente
    • Shwadhin Sharmin
    • Sheila Hernandez
    • Christina Zhang

    Quality Assurance (Chapter 6)

    • Fran Horvath, Sub-committee Chair
    • Veronica Chukwuemeka
    • Lisa Leininger
    • Dave Reichard
    • Andrew Lawson
    • Alana Unfried
    • Sarah Dahlen
    • Eric Martin
    • John Goeltz

    Finance (Chapter 7)

    • John Fitzgibbon, Sub-committee Chair
    • John Goeltz
    • Robina Bhatti
    • Christina Zhang
    • Cathy Rank
    • Frank Wojcik