Cooperative Learning Center

Making Engaging PowerPoint Slides

Do you need to make a live or recorded presentation this semester? PowerPoint slides (or Google Slides) are useful tools. However, slides can easily become a distraction to both you and your audience. It’s important to keep it simple!

  • Keep text on your slides short and to the point. Use keywords that will jog your memory when you’re presenting!
  • Try to avoid reading off the slides. Allowing the keywords to guide you into remembering your research will let you speak more smoothly.
  • If you have a specific quote, putting it on the slide allows easy reference.
  • Keep pictures relevant, and consider including an image instead of text to remind you of what you wanted to say.
  • Cite your sources! For a picture, add the citation underneath it, and for text, at the end.
  • Need help? Meet with a writing tutor to get feedback on your slides or practice your presentation.