Science Illustration, Certificate

Preparing you with the dynamic, hands-on skills to create compelling visuals that better explain scientific research and complex subject matter from the natural world.

Student painting a seascape

The Science Illustration certificate program will prepare you for an invigorating career bridging art and science, as you develop your skills to create visuals that effectively explain complex scientific issues, research, and other subject matter as a way to build scientific literacy and environmental stewardship

Empowering You to Excel in Your Chosen Profession

The program offers a transformative learning experience in which you’ll develop and sharpen your art related skills, create a portfolio of work that demonstrates your abilities, and make the most of your potential as a scientific illustrator.

You’ll find graduates of the certificate program excelling in their careers at respected organizations and publications across the country, some of which include:

  • Scientific American
  • National Geographic
  • Cornell Lab or Ornithology
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Denver Botanical Gardens
  • Reuters
  • New York Times Science
  • Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History

The program unlocks a vibrant range of career pathways, with graduates prepared for a variety of professional roles including:

  • Freelance Illustrator
  • Exhibit Designer
  • Nature Journaler
  • Science Communicator
  • Art Director
  • Visualization Specialist
  • Animator
  • Graphic Artist

Program alumni have advanced their studies after being accepted into top graduate programs and institutions, including the University of Wisconsin and the University of San Francisco.

Aerial Image of Campus

A Lifetime of Value

A Lifetime of Value

Science Illustration, Certificate

The program offers exceptional instruction and training in a wide range of art related skills, fosters essential observation and communication abilities, and provides an abundance of hands-on and experiential learning opportunities.


Educational Objectives

Our unique integration of art and science is an approach you won’t find at most other schools and will offer you the kind of distinctive skill set that will set you apart in the eyes of employers and advanced academic programs.

Our in-class instruction features an array of enlightening activities including guest speakers, field trips, and workshops that will connect you with leading voices and thought leaders within the industry beyond your faculty mentors. 

Our small cohort sizes, set curriculum, and dedicated work space will provide you with the kind of personalized, well-resourced experience and environment that will enable you to make the most of your potential.

Our exciting internship opportunities at respected organizations and publications like Scientific American, National Geographic, The Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, and Denver Botanical Gardens, among others, will add a rich, hands-on dimension to your learning experience.

The natural setting of Monterey Bay and the surrounding areas, along with the prevalence of local ocean science, will present you with an abundance of learning opportunities and professional networking that you won’t find at most other schools.

We consistently encourage our students to choose subject matter for their coursework that is pertinent to real-world issues and solutions to current problems facing communities. This dedication to using knowledge and skills to improve society will distinguish you in the job market and set you apart throughout your career.

Faculty & Staff

Our faculty are enthusiastic mentors to their students, working directly with them on an individual basis and coaching them on project goals and end-of-assignment critiques in ways that will foster their growth throughout the program.

Claudia Carter

Claudia Carter

Interim Dean for the College of Extended Education and International Programs (EEIP)

Thomas Horvath

Thomas Horvath

Interim Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Thomas Horvath

Thomas Horvath

Dean of the College of Science

Reid Psaltis

Reid Psaltis

AY Lecturer A

Reid Psaltis

Reid Psaltis

Special Consultant

Questions? We’re Here to Help!

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about the Science Illustration program.

Our experienced and supportive admissions staff is here to provide all the individualized guidance you need.

Study Scientific Illustration in an inspiring coastal environment where we are truly committed to mentorship and an engaging student experience.