
Academic Integrity Policy

1.00 Purpose

Academic integrity is an essential component to the CSUMB learning community and shall be upheld by all members of the university community.

This policy is deemed to be consistent with the principles, goals, and ideals described in the CSUMB Founding Vision Statement.

2.00 Academic Integrity

2.10 The University Community

CSUMB is a community of learners bonded together by the search for knowledge; the pursuit of personal, social, cultural, physical, and intellectual development; and the desire for the liberating effects of an advanced education. CSUMB has an academic culture shared with other universities and colleges across the nation. Integral to that culture is a set of values such as academic freedom, dedication to teaching and learning, diversity, civility toward others, and academic integrity.

Academic integrity is of central importance in the University community and involves upholding the values, the principles, and the code of behavior held to be central in that community. Integrity concerns honesty and implies being truthful, fair, and free from lies, fraud, and deceit. Inherent to the CSUMB community are the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.

2.20 Scholastic Honesty

The core of this University's integrity is its scholastic honesty. The University promotes academic excellence through the creative and original achievements of its community.

2.30 Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes forms of cheating and plagiarism that result in students receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own [1].

Specific forms of Academic Dishonesty are:

Cheating-intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term "academic exercise" includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours. Cheating also includes: unauthorized submission of nearly identical work in more than one course, altering or interfering with grading, lying to improve a grade, unauthorized distribution of course materials (including posting such materials online), and forging signatures on academic documents.

Fabrication-intentional and unauthorized falsification of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Facilitating academic dishonesty-intentionally helping, attempting to help, or requesting help from another person or resource to violate a provision of this Academic Integrity Policy.

Plagiarism-presenting someone else's work or ideas or Artificial-Intelligence-generated content as your own without full acknowledgement.  Examples include, but are not limited to words, statements, or creative works such as art, computer programs, or music.

3.00 Responsibilities

3.10 Student Responsibility

Students are responsible for adhering to the University's Academic Integrity Policy and should seek clarification from faculty if they are unclear about expectations for any assignment. Students are also encouraged to report academic dishonesty. Students need not tolerate any action on the part of another that diminishes their own integrity or that of the University.

3.20 Faculty Responsibility

All instructional faculty are required to include a statement on academic integrity in all syllabi in accordance with the Course Syllabus Policy.

Academic dishonesty cases that occur in classes shall be handled by faculty members in line with department process.  After consultation, and considering the evidence and offense, and attempting to have a discussion with the student in question, faculty who find that academic dishonesty has occurred shall complete the academic integrity violation report to identify the student who is found responsible in a timely manner, the general nature of the offense, the action taken, and a recommendation as to whether or not additional administrative action is needed.  The completed report is then sent by the faculty member to the Office of Student Conduct.  The faculty member has the right to nullify the grades on any assignments where this policy was violated.

This process provides an opportunity to hold students accountable and to identify students with multiple academic dishonesty reports to provide further intervention.  In all cases, the student may be subject to an academic sanction as determined appropriate by the faculty member, as well as administrative sanctions deemed necessary by the Student Conduct Administrator.

3.30 Administration Responsibility

The administration shall aid faculty, as necessary, in any case of academic dishonesty.  Additionally, the Office of Student Conduct shall notify the student if a report is received and will track incidents reported to their office in order to detect repeated violations.

4.00 The California State University Disciplinary Procedures

Student enrollment is a voluntary entrance into the academic community of learners. By such entrance, the student voluntarily assumes obligations of performance and behavior that are imposed by the university relevant to its lawful missions, processes, and functions. CSUMB reserves the right to discipline students in order to secure compliance with these obligations.

The Office of Student Conduct shall notify the student if a report is received and there is a start to any appropriate disciplinary procedures.  Students who engage in dishonest behavior shall be charged with violating Title 5, California Administrative Code, §41301, under the Student Disciplinary Procedures for the California State University established by Executive Order 1098 by the Chancellor. A copy of these procedures may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Office of Student Conduct.

5.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be reviewed ten years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness. This policy may be reviewed before that time as necessary.

s/ President Vanya 

Effective Date: April 12, 2023

Certification of Process

Reviewed by: Educational Planning and Policy Committee, Office of Student Conduct, Policy Facilitation Team, Academic Affairs Council, Student Affairs, Associated Students, ASEC, Academic Senate, and Provost.

[1] Kibler, Nuss, Paterson, and Pavela, Academic Integrity and Student Development, College Administration Publications, North Carolina, 1988.