
New Student FAQ

Have questions? We have answers.

Also see the Ask a Librarian FAQ or call 831-582-3872.

Need to check something out? 

Please bring your OtterID card. We have self-check stations at the check out counter. Some items, however, are behind the check out counter. These you will need to ask for at the counter and have checked out to you. When you are using OneSearch, the record will indicate where the item resides.

Not going to be on campus at all? Take a look at the Online Library Guide. Also, many of the resources we have are available electronically via OneSearch or our databases.

Need a computer?

Please follow posted signs regarding safely using the computers in the library. Thank you.

  • Desktop PCs are available to the CSUMB community on the first floor of the library. 
  • Desktop PCs are available to students in the Information Literacy Room 2145, if no library instruction is scheduled. 
  • Laptops are available for check out at the circulation desk. Check if there any available.

Did you forget your account information? Want to change your password?

Accounts and Passwords

Do you want to print?

There are printers in the library. Some classrooms around campus also have printers.

Need to print in color?

There are no color printers or copiers currently available for student use. The Otter Student Union also does not offer this service.

Is there a scanner in the library?

Yes, there is a scanner in the main computing area on the first floor of in the library. The Otter Student Union does not offer this service.

Is there a publicly available fax on campus?

No. Unfortunately there is not. The Otter Student Union also does not offer this service.

Is there a copy machine available in the library?

There is a copier in the library on the first floor. It takes change or dollar bills, but not cards.

If you need change, plan ahead. 

No vendors on campus provide change unless you buy something and then, only the amount owed. 

Need cash?

There is an ATM in the Otter Student Union. 

Speaking of the OSU, their Fall Hours are:

Monday - Thursday from 7 a.m. - 10:55 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. -9:55 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. - 9:55 p.m.

Want to make sure the OSU is open? 

Call their information desk at 831-582-3329. They have one group study for students to reserve at the OSU information desk. They have a lot of public seating areas conducive to working in groups, as well.  

Need an on campus phone number?

Campus Directory

Need to contact someone who works for the library?

Library Directory

Buildings by number or name

Campus Map

Looking for a job? 

Apply for student jobs via Otter Jobs