Graduate & Credential Contacts
If you are interested in a graduate, certificate, or credential program and have specific questions about programs or application requirements, you are welcome to reach out to the designated admissions contact for your area of interest.
Program | Phone | |
Education MA + Elementary Education Credential |
831-582-3639 |
Education MA + Secondary Education Credential |
831-582-3639 |
Education - Curriculum & Instruction MA |
831-582-3639 |
Special Education (MA or credential) |
831-582-3613 |
Secondary Education Single Subject Credential |
831-582-3639 |
Secondary Education Multiple Subject Credential |
831-582-3639 |
Business Administration (MBA) |
844-302-1424 |
Environmental Science MS |
831-582-4460 |
Instructional Science Technology MS or credential (online or blended) |
831-582-4790 |
Marine Science MS |
831-771-4401 |
School Psychology MS |
831-582-3613 |
Social Work (MSW) |
831-582-5316 |
Speech-Language-Pathology MS |
831-772-7050 |
Science Illustration Certificate |
831-582-4500 |